Safety for both staff and students is fundamental to the evaluations system.

The Evaluations Team has a responsibility to ensure the safety of both staff and students with regards to evaluations.

There are safeguards around keeping students unidentifiable

  • Not showing any student details in the reports (though you can identify yourself in text comments),
  • sending out reports after grades have been finalised in the Boards of Examiners, and
  • refusing to identify students if asked by teachers.

There also need to be measures in place to ensure the well being of our Lecturers and Tutors. See: Feedback Tips

Misuse and Regulations

The University is committed to providing a work and study environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. While your identity will not be disclosed to the teaching staff involved, you are reminded of your obligations under the University’s Student Discipline Regulations to act towards others reasonably, courteously, considerately and with good faith. You are also reminded that under the University’s Computer System Regulations you must not use a computer system in any way that constitutes discrimination or harassment. Breaches of the Student Discipline Regulations and/or the Computer Systems Regulations may result in disciplinary action in accordance with those regulations.

Policies for staff

The University's Evaluation of Teaching and Papers policy outlines the staff responsibilities in relation to evaluations.


  1. Run an evaluation at least every second time the paper is taught
  2. Make sure you are able to evaluate all teachers on their paper
  3. Choose an appropriate time frame when their evaluation will be open
  4. Tell you when the evaluations are available
  5. Discuss any changes they have made to the paper as a result of student feedback in the past

Student Complaints

Consistent with its commitment to excellence, the University has adopted a policy to assist both students and staff in the resolution of student concerns and complaints constructively, quickly and fairly. Read more >

Contact the Evaluation Team if you have questions.

Evaluate your papers now