Examples of cheating
Cheating in any manner connected with assessment is prohibited. (Assessment Regulations, section 8(4)) The following behaviours are examples of cheating:
- You can not look at and use another student’s work (essay, report, code, test answers, etc) and submit it as your own.
- You can not look at and use any unauthorised aids (including notes, books, electronic devices, assistance from others).
- You can not use sites such as but not limited to, studocu.com and chegg.com to source answers for assessment tasks, such as test questions.
- The work you submit should always be all your own work unless your lecturer or tutor has specifically assigned the work as a group assignment. This does not mean that you can’t form study groups and work together on problems, exchange ideas, and so on. However, you may not submit someone else’s work as your own; you need to write the assessment yourself.
- You can discuss their assignment topics with other people and to have someone read their assignment to correct the grammar or spelling.
- Proofreading and editing must be limited to grammar, spelling and style; it must not include new content although the need for new content can be indicated. If another person provides content this content must be acknowledged with full and accurate referencing of the source.
- You can not buy an assignment, including from an internet service or a social messaging service (such as WeChat).
- You can not ask someone else to produce your assignment and submitting it as your own.
- You can not submit assessment items that have been purchased or otherwise improperly obtained.
- You can not use sites such as but not limited to, studocu.com and chegg.com to source answers for assessment tasks, such as test questions.
You can not:
- Falsifying data,
- Fabricating data,
- Claiming results where none have been obtained, or
- Fraudulently changing records.
- Making up or altering the results for any assessment work including experiments, lab tests, interviews, or any other research work.
- You can not re-use material from one assessment item for another assessment item, even if they are for different papers, unless permission from the lecturer or the assignment instructions permit the re-use.
- You can not pretend to be another student or arranging for someone else to impersonate a student, for an examination, test or in any other area that is being assessed.
- You can not apply for an extension or dispensation (special consideration application) for an assessment item, including tests and examinations, when it is untrue. This includes:
- claiming disability,
- temporary illness or injury or
- other circumstances beyond your control.
You can not use an AI tool, such as ChatGPT, to produce your assignment or test answer and submit it as your own, unless the assignment instructions specifically require you to use an AI tool, such as ChatGPT
You can not use an AI tool, such as ChatGPT, to rewrite your assignment or test answer and submit it as your own, unless the assignment instructions specifically require you to use an AI tool, such as ChatGPT.
Download and read the Guidelines for student use of generative AI tools (PDF)