Evaluations at NZUWI are conducted in the same manner as other University of Waikato evaluations. For 2019, we are running trials to ensure the suitability of the system and the processes for running the evaluations for students in China. Initial trials have been successful, and one more will be conducted for late 2019 C semester evaluations. This evaluation period won't include the ability for teaching staff to customise evaluation questions, and will not automatically be included in the staff members Academic Staff Portfolio (evaluation data will be distributed, so staff can include this report in their personal ASP if they desire).

Making evaluations work

For standard undergraduate University papers, with more than 5 enrolled students, papers are automatically included in evaluations, and generally require little or no input to go ahead with the core evaluation questions. Depending on the timing of the paper and it's evaluation, you should receive an email notification about evaluations with two teaching weeks left in the semester - if this doesn't happen, please contact us at evaluations@waikato.ac.nz. You can also check waikato.ac.nz/go/evaluate/ to check if you have any current evaluation tasks to complete.

When you follow the link in the email you'll receive, you should find a list of all teaching staff associated with the paper (that are eligible to be included in the evaluation, at this time, staff not contracted to the University of Waikato cannot be included). Please contact us if you believe staff are missing from this list, or are incorrectly associated. From this page you can also check the response rate once the evaluations are live to students.

Collecting Feedback

To ensure evaluations collect useful amounts of feedback, we recommend teaching staff put aside time in their final class to allow students to complete the evaluations. We provide a plan for how to do this, as well as access to customisable resources for doing so, on our pages on Student Engagement.