Health and safety

The School of Engineering aims to offer a safe learning and working environment for both staff and students alike.

Our laboratories are commonly multiple hazard environments. Additionally, students may have health conditions or disabilities that may need to be taken into account in regards to their study or in the case of an emergency. Because of this, we recommend that students who have any health condition or disability that may affect their safety, or that of others, consult with and discuss this with their paper convenors and lab supervisor, so that any necessary precautions may be taken.

Specialised training is needed to enter and work in the school's laboratories. If you need training, please contact one of our school's technicians.

General Safety Policy

  1. Footwear must be worn in C, D, E, and F Blocks. Some laboratories and workshops restrict entry to those wearing reinforced shoes. Read the notices on the door of any room you are about to enter to see the restrictions that apply.
  2. Make sure you know the location of fire extinguishers and fire exits for each laboratory or workshop you enter. When the fire alarm sounds, you must obey the instructions of the laboratory supervisor and floor warden, leave by the nearest exit, and go down the nearest staircase to the assigned assembly point outside. Do not stop to collect your belongings. Lifts must not be used in a fire alarm. Anyone in a wheelchair or on crutches will be guided to the landing furthest from the fire and helped out by the Fire Service.
  3. You must wear safety glasses and other protective equipment as directed by the laboratory supervisor. Note: prescription glasses are not safety glasses. Laboratory coats must be worn in laboratories and workshops where hazardous substances are used.
  4. You must not eat or drink or bring food into any laboratory.
  5. You may not enter any laboratory outside the scheduled times except with the permission of the technician in charge.
  6. You are forbidden to take any chemicals, equipment or material from any laboratory or workshop for private use.
  7. Equipment may be taken out of laboratories only with the written permission of the technician in charge.
  8. Visitors may be allowed in laboratories only with the permission of the technician in charge.
  9. Before going on a field trip, you must read and adhere to the field trip safety regulations supplied to you by the lecturer in charge. A full set of field trip safety regulations and requirements is held in the school office. Note: it is forbidden to take alcohol, drugs, or firearms on any field trip.
  10. Accidents in the laboratory, field trips or workshop must be reported to the technician in charge and the prescribed process followed.