Join us in tackling some of the most exciting and challenging science problems facing Aotearoa and the world. With excellent facilities and researchers who are genuinely world-class, we are driven in the pursuit of outstanding scientific research.

Research Themes
Our research is grouped into themes, connecting knowledge to affect meaningful change

Research Partnerships
We're proudly collaborative with our research and are always looking to develop new relationships.

Analytical & Consultancy Services
Our world-class research equipment and facilities are available for commercial use.

Mātauranga Māori
Across all of our research, is a commitment to bring together the perspectives of western Science and mātauranga Māori. We're proud to undertake research in genuine partnership with local iwi and hapu.

ERI - Te Tumu Whakaora Taiao
A collaborative, systems-level approach to environmental research developing insights and expertise to improve and sustain the quality of the natural and physical environment, focusing on antarctic, coastal, marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems.