Dr Tangiwai Rewi (Waikato-Ngāti Tīpā, Ngāti Amaru, Ngāti Tahinga) is a Waikato alumna, completing a Bachelor of Education in 1989 and Higher Diploma of Teaching in 1997. She also holds a Master of Indigenous Studies (2006) and PhD (2018) from the University of Otago.

Dr Tangiwai Rewi. Photo credit Hiko Media House
Dr Rewi currently manages customary fisheries nationally at the Ministry for Primary Industries,
and has previously held senior roles at the Ministry of Education, Te Tumu, School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies at the University of Otago and was the foundation Tumuaki (Principal) at Tōku Māpihi Maurea Kura Kaupapa Māori.
Dr Rewi’s research interests and expertise include te reo me ngā tikanga Māori, Māori Education and Māori Pedagogy, and preserving the narratives of rūruhi, koroheke, and kaumātua.
Dr Rewi is looking forward to returning to Waikato and will join the University in November.
“Mahia te mahi hei painga mō te iwi,” Te Puea Herangi.
Te Ihorangi Māori, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai, says the University is delighted to have someone of Dr Rewi’s calibre joining the leadership team and also paid tribute to Professor Sandy Morrison for her leadership of the Faculty over the past couple of years.