English for Arts, Psychology, and Social Sciences
Follow the links below to engaging reading activities related to various majors within Arts, Psychology and Social Sciences. If there is anything you don't understand or need help with, click the "Book a consultation now" button to make an appointment with a learning advisor.
Graphic Design - Corporate Identity
Develop your vocabulary while reading about the history of corporate identity and trademarks.
Corruption Scandals
Check your comprehension and develop vocabulary in the context of this controversial subject.
Facts, Theories and Perspectives in Psychology
Develop your vocabulary and learn about the significance of perspective within the field of psychology.
Critical Thinking
What is objectivity? What is scepticism? Develop your understanding of these terms and more.
Popular Myths in Psychology
Myths, misconceptions and fake news. How do we navigate the flood of information in today's world?
The Responsibility to Protect
Develop your language and read about the 2001 report from the UN International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty.