D.V. Bryant Trust Residential Scholarship Household Income Form

This form is for the primary household earner for University of Waikato students applying for the D.V. Bryant Trust Residential Scholarship.

Closing Date: 31 January, 2024

Please ensure this form is completed fully.  The information you provide will be supplied to the selection panel for the D.V. Bryant Trust Residential Scholarship and contributes to their decision-making.

If your circumstances change after submission, please inform scholarships@waikato.ac.nz immediately.

Section 1: Student & Household Earner Details

In submitting this online nomination I confirm that:
This is a seven-digit number that has been assigned to the student. This can be found on their MyWaikato account or on their Student ID card.

Section 2: Main Household Earner Details

Please provide details of the main household earner. This should be the person who is completing this form.
I confirm that I am the main income earner in the household of the student listed above
Are you currently employed?
Are you working as:
Tick all that apply.

Section 3: Household Information

Do other people in the household contribute to the household income?
If you answered 'yes', please answer the following questions: How many other earners are in your household?
Are they working as:
Tick all options that apply.

Section 4: Additional Information

Fine print

The information provided in this nomination will be used solely for the purposes of assessing the student's eligibility and suitability for a D.V. Bryant Trust University of Waikato Residential Scholarship. Personal information contained in this nomination will be available to members of the Selection Panel, members of the Scholarships Committee, the Scholarships Executive and staff of the School of Graduate Research.

The University of Waikato undertakes to store your information in a secure place, in the event that the student is successful in gaining a scholarship or is selected as a reserve candidate. The University of Waikato undertakes to destroy your information to preserve its confidentiality, in the event that the student is unsuccessful in gaining a scholarship. Should you have reason to believe that information held about you or this student in the nomination is incorrect, you have the right of access to, and correction of, that information.

The University may contact you or the school for further information on a confidential basis.