Vikrant Desai
Vikrant Desai, pursuing a Masters in Security and Crime Science at University of Waikato, shares insights on his studies and future career aspirations.

What are you studying?
I am doing a Masters of Security and Crime Science from the New Zealand Institute of Security and Crime Science (NZISCS) at University of Waikato. I have completed two semesters so far, and during my time here I’ve studied fascinating topics such as cyber security and cyber warfare, the psychology of security and crime science, international security, strategy and technology and Māori indigeneity and criminal justice.
How did you choose your degree and Waikato?
I previously served in the Indian Army as an Infantry officer, and with some ground experience in counter terrorism I developed a strong interest in international security research. My degree at NZISCS provided a way to follow this interest, and the structure of the course and international student facilities at the University sounded great.
What does a typical day at the University look like for you?
My day typically involves attending lectures, followed by visiting the well-equipped University library for research. When I have down-time I love meeting friends around the campus to discuss our studies and assignments, and enjoying the green of the Hamilton campus.
What has been the highlight of your study so far?
The two semesters I’ve completed so far have taught me some immensely interesting subjects. As part of my multi-disciplinary degree, I was offered a variety of papers to choose from. I could choose my papers from psychology, political science, applied geography, Māori and crime science, and this has meant I am engaged in all my papers and have received good marks as a result.
What is your best tip for making the most of university life?
For an international student, the University of Waikato provides a great environment to learn and build knowledge for your future career prospects. While time management is key, my best tip is to be at the University and participate actively in everything it has to offer. The professional lecturers and the approachable and friendly staff will do the rest for you.
How can you make a difference through your studies?
I am confident that my degree course has taken me to the next level, so I can fulfil my goal of completing academic research in the field of international security and crime. Presently, I am pursuing my Masters research on ‘Modelling Radicalisation in a New Zealand Context’.
What are your future plans after you finish your degree?
My goal is to work in the security industry (government or private) upon completion of my degree, and take up doctoral research in the field of intelligence and counter terrorism.