Applied Digital Communication Subject regulations

Applied Digital Communication focuses on the design of communication in digital environments. You will learn how to combine data and messages into effective digital communications for visual and web presentation. As a graduate, you will be equipped to work in multidisciplinary teams that can combine communication, data, and technologies to understand and address users' needs in a broad range of digital era environments. Design associated with the World Wide Web and other internet technologies is a key feature of Applied Digital Communication.

Applied Digital Communication is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Communication (BC). Applied Digital Communication may also be included as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.

To complete Applied Digital Communication as a single major for the BC, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Applied Digital Communication, including 105 points above 100 level, and 60 points above 200 level. Students must complete COMPX101, DSIGN141, COMPX225, DSIGN241, DSIGN243, COMPX324, DSIGN341, DSIGN342, and 15 points from CSMAX300, MEDIA308 or THSTS302.

To complete Applied Digital Communication as part of a double major for the BC, or other undergraduate degree, students must gain 120 points from papers listed for Applied Digital Communication including 90 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete COMPX101, DSIGN141, COMPX225, DSIGN241, DSIGN243; 30 points from COMPX324, DSIGN341 or DSIGN342; and 15 points from CSMAX300, MEDIA308 or THSTS302.

To complete a minor in Applied Digital Communication, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Applied Digital Communication major, including at least 30 points above 100 level.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Applied Digital Communication papers

100 Level 200 Level 300 Level
Code and paper title Points
COMPX101 Introduction to Programming right arrow

This paper introduces computer programming in C# - the exciting challenge of creating software and designing artificial worlds within the computer...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Online) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
DSIGN141 Principles of Form and Design right arrow

This paper develops the student's ability to recognise and utilise the basic elements and principles of design both two and three dimensionally. It...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX222 Web Development right arrow

This paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side and...

15 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
COMPX225 Introduction to Databases and Web Development right arrow

This paper provides a broad overview of the principles and technologies used in creating Web Applications, with practical experience of client-side...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
DSIGN241 Aspects of Web Design right arrow

This paper presents the students with the challenge of designing, developing and publishing content for the World Wide Web, working with content...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
DSIGN243 Visual Language and Information Design right arrow

This paper offers students the possibility to explore the area of information design. By using their knowledge of principles of design, visual...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX324 User Experience Design right arrow

An introduction to the field of user experience - where students develop skills and techniques for the design and evaluation of interfaces for...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
CSMAX300 Visual Data Communication right arrow

This paper focuses on the skills and knowledge for communicating with data. A variety of methods of communicating and presenting data will be covered.

15 25A (Hamilton)
DSIGN341 Design Systems right arrow

This paper introduces students to design systems, visual identity systems, and typographic systems, preparing the students to apply these systems...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
DSIGN342 User Centred Design right arrow

This paper provides opportunity for students to develop skills in design methods. Students will solve visual design problems for diverse target...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
THSTS302 Arts, Creativity and Wellbeing right arrow

This paper integrates practice and theory, exploring embodied experiences of the relationships between arts, creativity and wellbeing. Contemporary...

15 25A (Hamilton)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 15 Feb 2025 01:00am