Economics Subject regulations
Economists help people, government and businesses to make better-informed decisions about using natural, human and financial resources to meet their future goals. Studying economics will develop the analytical skills needed for solving real-life issues ranging from employment and housing, to public health, transport and environmental pollution.
Economics is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Business (BBus), Bachelor of Climate Change (BCC), Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours (BMS(Hons))[1] and Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc). Economics may also be included as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.
To complete Economics as a single major for the BA, BBus, BCC or BSocSc, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Economics, including 105 points above 100 level, and 60 points above 200 level. Students must complete ECONS101, ECONS102, BUSAN205, ECONS200 or ECONS209, ECONS202, ECONS301, 30 points at 300-level from the papers listed for the subject, and one of WSAFE396 or WSAFE399.
To complete Economics as part of a double major for the BA, BBus, BCC, BSocSc or other undergraduate degree, students must gain 120 points from papers listed for Economics, including 90 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete ECONS101, ECONS102, BUSAN205, ECONS200 or ECONS209, ECONS202, ECONS301, and 30 points at 300-level from the papers listed for the subject.
To complete a minor in Economics, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Economics major, including at least 30 points above 100 level. Students must complete ECONS101.
[1] There will be no new enrolments into the BMS(Hons) from 2024. Students who commenced a BMS(Hons) in 2023 or prior should contact the Waikato Management School for programme advice.
Other qualifications
Prescriptions for:
GradCert(Econ) and GradDip(Econ) A Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma are available to graduates who have not included Economics at an advanced level in their first degree. The qualification regulations define the subject requirements for the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma. There are no specified subject papers that must be completed for these programmes.
PGCert(Econ), PGDip(Econ), BBus(Hons), BSocSc(Hons), MBus and MSocSc The qualification regulations define the subject requirements for the BBus(Hons), BSocSc(Hons), PGCert(Econ), PGDip(Econ), MBus and MSocSc.
There are no specified subject papers for the BBus(Hons) or PGCert(Econ).
PGDip(Econ) students must complete at least one of ECONS501, ECONS520, ECONS528, ECONS529 or ECONS543.
MBus students must complete: MNGMT582 and either ECONS528 or ECONS529; and one of ECONS590, ECONS591, ECONS592, ECONS593 or ECONS594; and at least one paper from ECONS501 or ECONS520. Students taking the 120 point MBus are required to complete at least 60 points from the papers listed for the subject. Students taking the 180 point MBus are required to complete at least 120 points from the papers listed for the subject.
To complete a BSocSc(Hons) in Economics, students must gain 120 points at 500 level, including at least 30 points in research (normally ECONS591) and at least 30 points from papers listed for Economics.
To complete an MSocSc in Economics, students admitted under section 2(a) of those regulations must complete 180 points from approved 500 level papers, including ALPSS500 and at least 45 points from the papers listed for the subject in List A: Advanced Study of the regulations for the MSocSc.
Students admitted to the MSocSc under section 2(b) of those regulations must complete 120 points from approved 500-level papers, including at least 45 points from the papers listed for the subject in List A: Advanced Study of the regulations for the MSocSc.
MPhil The Master of Philosophy is a one year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
PhD The Doctor of Philosophy is a three year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
Economics papers
Code and paper title | Points | |
Economics for Business and Management
This paper offers insights into the behaviour of consumers, firms and the government within the economy, giving students skills in analysing and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25A (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25VA (National Economics University, Vietnam) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Economics and Society
This paper introduces selected economic models, with a focus on developing and applying critical thinking skills to a range of business and social... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Data Analytics with Business Applications
This paper introduces various data analytical methods and illustrates their business and economics applications, showing how to use data to... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton) & 25VA (National Economics University, Vietnam) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Understanding the Global Economy
This paper focuses on developing understanding of contemporary global issues, including economic well-being, sustainable growth, emerging economies... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Microeconomics and Business Economics
This paper formally develops the economic theory of business and consumption decisions. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Money and Monetary Policy
Understanding and predicting central banking decision making is crucial for all market participants. This course aims to provide the methods and... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Economic Growth and Wellbeing
This paper covers the main macroeconomic models. There is analysis of the design and impact of macroeconomic policy, including implication for... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Applied Quantitative Research Methods
This paper provides essential quantitative skills for analysing empirical data, evaluating causal effects of actual or proposed interventions and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
International Economics Issues
This paper covers in-depth analysis of the global economic environment, including international trade, access to markets and cross-border movement of... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Entrepreneurial Discovery and Innovation
This paper utilises economic theory and methods to analyse entrepreneurial opportunity, behaviour and risk management to sustain business dynamism... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Economics and Strategic Interaction
The aim of this paper is to provide an introduction to strategic thinking and analysis through the basic techniques of game theory, and to illustrate... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Economics of Land, Water and Environment
This paper provides students with a detailed understanding of the role of economic analysis in solving real world environmental problems including... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Management Internship
The Management Internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their management discipline-based knowledge to an authentic project within... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25C (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Report of an Investigation
This paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25C (Tauranga) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Macroeconomic Analysis
This paper covers selected aspects of macroeconomic theory, policy and evidence. Most of the topics are centred directly or indirectly on a stylised... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Applied Quantitative Methods
This paper provides the basic applied econometrics skills needed by students pursuing careers as professional economists, as policy analysts, and in... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Economics for Business
An analysis of the economics of business including producers, consumers, markets and the role of the State. This paper is designed for MPAcct and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25G (Hamilton) |
Quantitative Methods for Business Analysis
This paper provides students with a thorough grounding in the applied quantitative techniques required for professional practice in business, finance... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25G (Hamilton) |
Microeconomic Analysis - Theory
This course covers Masters-level training in microeconomic theory. The first half of the course will focus on consumer and producer theories. The... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Topics in Economic Policy Analysis
This paper focuses on selected topics in the economics of policy analysis. |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Econometric Topics: Macroeconomics and Finance
This paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills in econometrics that should enable them to carry out a wide range of applied... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
This paper develops skills in cross-sectional and panel data pertaining to individuals, households and firms including research design and evaluation... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Topics in Trade and Development
This paper focuses on selected topics in trade and development. These will include aspects of trade policy and evidence in the world economy and... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Applied Econometrics
A postgraduate paper in econometrics for students who have not included an advanced paper in econometrics in their undergraduate degree. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Global Trade Modelling
This paper introduces and applies general equilibrium modelling, particularly to international trade issues. Students will have the opportunity to... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Directed Study
Selected topics may be available. Please discuss these with the Graduate Convenor. |
30 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Economics Dissertation
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
30 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Economics Dissertation
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
60 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Economics Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
90 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Economics Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
120 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Research Methods in Management Studies for Economics and Finance
This paper introduces students to research paradigms commonly used in research in economics and finance. It develops skills in the critical... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Economics MPhil Thesis
120 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Economics PhD Thesis
120 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25I (Tauranga) & 25J (Hamilton) & 25K (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga) |
ECONS101 Economics for Business and Management
This paper offers insights into the behaviour of consumers, firms and the government within the economy, giving students skills in analysing and...
Points 15ECONS102 Economics and SocietyThis paper introduces selected economic models, with a focus on developing and applying critical thinking skills to a range of business and social...
Points 15 -
BUSAN205 Data Analytics with Business Applications
This paper introduces various data analytical methods and illustrates their business and economics applications, showing how to use data to...
Points 15ECONS200 Understanding the Global EconomyThis paper focuses on developing understanding of contemporary global issues, including economic well-being, sustainable growth, emerging economies...
Points 15ECONS202 Microeconomics and Business EconomicsThis paper formally develops the economic theory of business and consumption decisions.
Points 15ECONS209 Money and Monetary PolicyUnderstanding and predicting central banking decision making is crucial for all market participants. This course aims to provide the methods and...
Points 15 -
ECONS301 Economic Growth and Wellbeing
This paper covers the main macroeconomic models. There is analysis of the design and impact of macroeconomic policy, including implication for...
Points 15ECONS303 Applied Quantitative Research MethodsThis paper provides essential quantitative skills for analysing empirical data, evaluating causal effects of actual or proposed interventions and...
Points 15ECONS304 International Economics IssuesThis paper covers in-depth analysis of the global economic environment, including international trade, access to markets and cross-border movement of...
Points 15ECONS305 Entrepreneurial Discovery and InnovationThis paper utilises economic theory and methods to analyse entrepreneurial opportunity, behaviour and risk management to sustain business dynamism...
Points 15ECONS306 Economics and Strategic InteractionThe aim of this paper is to provide an introduction to strategic thinking and analysis through the basic techniques of game theory, and to illustrate...
Points 15ECONS307 Economics of Land, Water and EnvironmentThis paper provides students with a detailed understanding of the role of economic analysis in solving real world environmental problems including...
Points 15WSAFE396 Management InternshipThe Management Internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their management discipline-based knowledge to an authentic project within...
Points 15WSAFE399 Report of an InvestigationThis paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in...
Points 15 -
ECONS501 Macroeconomic Analysis
This paper covers selected aspects of macroeconomic theory, policy and evidence. Most of the topics are centred directly or indirectly on a stylised...
Points 15ECONS503 Applied Quantitative MethodsThis paper provides the basic applied econometrics skills needed by students pursuing careers as professional economists, as policy analysts, and in...
Points 15ECONS506 Economics for BusinessAn analysis of the economics of business including producers, consumers, markets and the role of the State. This paper is designed for MPAcct and...
Points 15ECONS507 Quantitative Methods for Business AnalysisThis paper provides students with a thorough grounding in the applied quantitative techniques required for professional practice in business, finance...
Points 15ECONS520 Microeconomic Analysis - TheoryThis course covers Masters-level training in microeconomic theory. The first half of the course will focus on consumer and producer theories. The...
Points 15ECONS524 Topics in Economic Policy AnalysisThis paper focuses on selected topics in the economics of policy analysis.
Points 15ECONS528 Econometric Topics: Macroeconomics and FinanceThis paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills in econometrics that should enable them to carry out a wide range of applied...
Points 15ECONS529 MicroeconometricsThis paper develops skills in cross-sectional and panel data pertaining to individuals, households and firms including research design and evaluation...
Points 15ECONS533 Topics in Trade and DevelopmentThis paper focuses on selected topics in trade and development. These will include aspects of trade policy and evidence in the world economy and...
Points 15ECONS543 Applied EconometricsA postgraduate paper in econometrics for students who have not included an advanced paper in econometrics in their undergraduate degree.
Points 15ECONS552 Global Trade ModellingThis paper introduces and applies general equilibrium modelling, particularly to international trade issues. Students will have the opportunity to...
Points 15ECONS590 Directed StudySelected topics may be available. Please discuss these with the Graduate Convenor.
Points 30ECONS591 Economics DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 30ECONS592 Economics DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 60ECONS593 Economics ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 90ECONS594 Economics ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 120MNGMT582 Research Methods in Management Studies for Economics and FinanceThis paper introduces students to research paradigms commonly used in research in economics and finance. It develops skills in the critical...
Points 15 -
ECONS900 Economics PhD ThesisPoints 120
2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 10 Feb 2025 01:00am