Finance Subject regulations
Finance is about making better investment decisions with money, shares and other assets to generate wealth, and helping organisations add value for their shareholders. You'll develop a broad understanding of how the world's financial markets operate, and gain the analytical skills required for a well-paid career in the financial/business sectors anywhere in the world.
Finance is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Business (BBus) and Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours (BMS(Hons))[1]. Finance may also be included as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to the approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.
To complete Finance as a single major for the BBus, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Finance, including 105 points above 100 level, and 60 points above 200 level. Students must complete FINAN101, MATHS168, FINAN200, FINAN202, FINAN204, FINAN302, FINAN305, and 15 points from FINAN303, FINAN304 or FINAN306 and one of WSAFE396 or WSAFE399.
To complete Finance as part of a double major for the BBus, or other undergraduate degree, students must gain 120 points from papers listed for Finance, including 90 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete FINAN101, MATHS168, FINAN200, FINAN202, FINAN204, FINAN302, FINAN305, and 15 points from FINAN303, FINAN304 or FINAN306.
To complete a minor in Finance, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Finance major, including at least 30 points above 100 level. Students must complete FINAN101.
[1] There will be no new enrolments into the BMS(Hons) from 2024. Students who commenced a BMS(Hons) in 2023 or prior should contact the Waikato Management School for programme advice.
Students that have a total of 14 credits at NCEA Level 3 in Mathematics, Statistics or Calculus can replace MATHS168 with one of ACCTN101, ECONS101, MGSYS101, MRKTG101 or STMGT101.
Students are encouraged to contact the Waikato Management School for programme advice.
Other qualifications
Prescriptions for:
GradCert(Fin) and GradDip(Fin) A Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma are available to graduates who have not included Finance at an advanced level in their first degree. The qualification regulations define the subject requirements for the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma. There are no specified subject papers that must be included for these programmes.
PGCert(Fin), PGDip(Fin), BBus(Hons) and MBus The qualification regulations define the subject requirements for the BBus(Hons), PGCert(Fin), PGDip(Fin) and MMS. There are no specified subject papers that must be included for the BBus(Hons), and PGCert(Fin) programmes.
PGDip(Fin) students must complete FINAN511 and FINAN512.
MBus students must complete FINAN511, FINAN512, either MNGMT581 or MNGMT582, and one of FINAN590, FINAN591, FINAN592, FINAN593 or FINAN594. Students taking the 120 point MBus are required to complete at least 60 points from the papers listed for the subject. Students taking the 180 point MBus are required to complete at least 120 points from the papers listed for the subject.
MAppFin MAppFin students must complete ACCTP570, ECONS503, ECONS506, ECONS543, FINAN500, FINAN506, FINAN508, FINAN509, FINAN515, FINAN518, FINAN520, and either FINAN521 or WSAFE500.
MPhil The Master of Philosophy is a one year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
PhD The Doctor of Philosophy is a three year research-based degree in which students undertake a programme of approved and supervised research that leads to a thesis which critically investigates an approved topic of substance and significance, demonstrates expertise in the methods of research and scholarship, displays intellectual independence and makes a substantial original contribution to the subject area concerned, and is of publishable quality.
Finance papers
Code and paper title | Points | |
Introduction to Finance
This paper introduces the three core areas of finance - financial management, investments, and capital markets and institutions. The paper also... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton Waikato College) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25H (Hamilton) & 25VB (National Economics University, Vietnam) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Preparatory Mathematics
This paper covers basic algebraic concepts, along with an introduction to statistics and calculus. It is intended for those who wish to improve their... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25JS (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Financial Management 1
This paper deals with the principles and practice of financial management. It examines corporate capital budgeting, capital structure theory... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Investments 1
This paper deals with the principles and practice of investment analysis. Building upon the concepts of risk-return trade-offs and the efficient... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Entrepreneurial Finance
This paper investigates the key issues relating to small business finance, especially in New Zealand. Empirical evidence, theoretical models and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Investments 2
This paper extends student competency in the valuation of fixed income securities, equities and alternative investments, portfolio performance... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Computer Modelling in Finance
This paper introduces the use of spreadsheets and programming in building appropriate and credible financial models useful for analysts and managers... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Financial Risk Management
This paper develops student understanding of risk markets and how financial institutions and firms manage risk exposure, including interest rate... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25H (Online) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Financial Management 2
As a second paper in financial management, this paper further examines a firm's capital structure policy, dividend and pay-out policy, short-term... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Capital Markets and Financial Institutions
This paper provides students with an introduction to Australasian financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions, instruments and... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Applied Project in Finance
This paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in... |
15 | 25X (Online) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Management Internship
The Management Internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their management discipline-based knowledge to an authentic project within... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25C (Tauranga) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China) |
Report of an Investigation
This paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25C (Hamilton) & 25C (Tauranga) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Accounting Systems and Processes
This paper covers the form and function of financial statements and how financial transactions are recorded through the understanding of accounting... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) & 25H (Hamilton) |
Applied Quantitative Methods
This paper provides the basic applied econometrics skills needed by students pursuing careers as professional economists, as policy analysts, and in... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Econometric Topics: Macroeconomics and Finance
This paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills in econometrics that should enable them to carry out a wide range of applied... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Applied Econometrics
A postgraduate paper in econometrics for students who have not included an advanced paper in econometrics in their undergraduate degree. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Financial Management and Institutions
This paper provides students with a deep understanding of banking and financial services sector, focusing on their role in the functioning and... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Corporate Finance
This paper is designed to prepare students to develop the leadership skills necessary for making optimal corporate financial decisions. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Investments and Financial Markets
This paper provides an introduction to the structure and functioning of equity, bond markets, and derivative markets. |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Financial Modelling
This paper develops student skills in the effective use of spreadsheets and programming in building appropriate and credible financial models useful... |
15 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Advanced Corporate Finance
This paper presents advanced corporate finance theory pertaining to the cost of capital, capital structures, dividend policies, leasing, IPOs, and... |
30 | 25B (Hamilton) |
Investments and Portfolios
This paper presents advanced portfolio theory and develops student competency in portfolio analysis. Students are required to complete an empirical... |
30 | 25A (Hamilton) |
International Finance
This paper develops student understanding of foreign exchange markets within the international financial/monetary system, and examines the role... |
15 | 25H (Hamilton) |
Financial Risk Management
This advanced paper utilising the latest research pertaining to financial risk develops student skills in managing financial risk exposure, including... |
15 | 25G (Hamilton) |
Financial Econometrics
This paper equips students with advanced tools for the analysis of financial data, including the return forecasting, volatility and econometrics of... |
15 | 25G (Hamilton) |
Finance Project
This paper provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge learnt in this programme by completing a research project and writing a... |
15 | 25H (Hamilton) |
Directed Study
Students have the opportunity to pursue a topic of their own interest under the guidance of academic staff. |
30 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Finance Dissertation
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
30 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Finance Dissertation
A report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation. |
60 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Finance Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
90 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Finance Thesis
An externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research. |
120 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Research Methods in Management Studies for Economics and Finance
This paper introduces students to research paradigms commonly used in research in economics and finance. It develops skills in the critical... |
15 | 25A (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Finance MPhil Thesis
120 | 25X (Hamilton) |
Code and paper title | Points | |
Finance PhD Thesis
120 | 25I (Hamilton) & 25J (Hamilton) & 25K (Hamilton) & 25X (Hamilton) |
FINAN101 Introduction to Finance
This paper introduces the three core areas of finance - financial management, investments, and capital markets and institutions. The paper also...
Points 15MATHS168 Preparatory MathematicsThis paper covers basic algebraic concepts, along with an introduction to statistics and calculus. It is intended for those who wish to improve their...
Points 15 -
FINAN200 Financial Management 1
This paper deals with the principles and practice of financial management. It examines corporate capital budgeting, capital structure theory...
Points 15FINAN202 Investments 1This paper deals with the principles and practice of investment analysis. Building upon the concepts of risk-return trade-offs and the efficient...
Points 15FINAN204 Entrepreneurial FinanceThis paper investigates the key issues relating to small business finance, especially in New Zealand. Empirical evidence, theoretical models and...
Points 15 -
FINAN302 Investments 2
This paper extends student competency in the valuation of fixed income securities, equities and alternative investments, portfolio performance...
Points 15FINAN303 Computer Modelling in FinanceThis paper introduces the use of spreadsheets and programming in building appropriate and credible financial models useful for analysts and managers...
Points 15FINAN304 Financial Risk ManagementThis paper develops student understanding of risk markets and how financial institutions and firms manage risk exposure, including interest rate...
Points 15FINAN305 Financial Management 2As a second paper in financial management, this paper further examines a firm's capital structure policy, dividend and pay-out policy, short-term...
Points 15FINAN306 Capital Markets and Financial InstitutionsThis paper provides students with an introduction to Australasian financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions, instruments and...
Points 15FINAN399 Applied Project in FinanceThis paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in...
Points 15WSAFE396 Management InternshipThe Management Internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their management discipline-based knowledge to an authentic project within...
Points 15WSAFE399 Report of an InvestigationThis paper offers students the opportunity to complete a directed investigation of an approved topic relevant to an organisation or industry and in...
Points 15 -
ACCTP570 Accounting Systems and Processes
This paper covers the form and function of financial statements and how financial transactions are recorded through the understanding of accounting...
Points 15ECONS503 Applied Quantitative MethodsThis paper provides the basic applied econometrics skills needed by students pursuing careers as professional economists, as policy analysts, and in...
Points 15ECONS528 Econometric Topics: Macroeconomics and FinanceThis paper provides students with theoretical and practical skills in econometrics that should enable them to carry out a wide range of applied...
Points 15ECONS543 Applied EconometricsA postgraduate paper in econometrics for students who have not included an advanced paper in econometrics in their undergraduate degree.
Points 15FINAN500 Financial Management and InstitutionsThis paper provides students with a deep understanding of banking and financial services sector, focusing on their role in the functioning and...
Points 15FINAN506 Corporate FinanceThis paper is designed to prepare students to develop the leadership skills necessary for making optimal corporate financial decisions.
Points 15FINAN508 Investments and Financial MarketsThis paper provides an introduction to the structure and functioning of equity, bond markets, and derivative markets.
Points 15FINAN509 Financial ModellingThis paper develops student skills in the effective use of spreadsheets and programming in building appropriate and credible financial models useful...
Points 15FINAN511 Advanced Corporate FinanceThis paper presents advanced corporate finance theory pertaining to the cost of capital, capital structures, dividend policies, leasing, IPOs, and...
Points 30FINAN512 Investments and PortfoliosThis paper presents advanced portfolio theory and develops student competency in portfolio analysis. Students are required to complete an empirical...
Points 30FINAN515 International FinanceThis paper develops student understanding of foreign exchange markets within the international financial/monetary system, and examines the role...
Points 15FINAN518 Financial Risk ManagementThis advanced paper utilising the latest research pertaining to financial risk develops student skills in managing financial risk exposure, including...
Points 15FINAN520 Financial EconometricsThis paper equips students with advanced tools for the analysis of financial data, including the return forecasting, volatility and econometrics of...
Points 15FINAN521 Finance ProjectThis paper provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge learnt in this programme by completing a research project and writing a...
Points 15FINAN590 Directed StudyStudents have the opportunity to pursue a topic of their own interest under the guidance of academic staff.
Points 30FINAN591 Finance DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 30FINAN592 Finance DissertationA report on the findings of a theoretical or empirical investigation.
Points 60FINAN593 Finance ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 90FINAN594 Finance ThesisAn externally examined piece of written work that reports on the findings of supervised research.
Points 120MNGMT582 Research Methods in Management Studies for Economics and FinanceThis paper introduces students to research paradigms commonly used in research in economics and finance. It develops skills in the critical...
Points 15 -
FINAN900 Finance PhD ThesisPoints 120
2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 19 Feb 2025 01:00am