The Mechatronics Engineering programme produces work-ready engineering graduates that specialise in effective integration of mechanical systems and electronics with intelligent control combining expertise from three areas:

computer science, electronic engineering and mechanical engineering. The programme will develop students’ ability to handle complex real-world mechatronics projects, providing skilled engineers that contribute to the success of high-value food manufacturing (dairy, meat and horticulture), forestry and wood product manufacturing, and high-value manufacturing (agritech, aviation and equipment manufacturing).

Mechatronics Engineering is available as a specified programme for the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons)).

To complete the specified programme in Mechatronics Engineering, students must complete the following programme.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Mechatronics Engineering papers

100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 500 Level
Code and paper title Points
COMPX102 Object-Oriented Programming right arrow

This paper builds on introductory programming experience, and assumes a knowledge of basic programming techniques, which it expands on particularly...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25H (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China) & 25X (Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou China)
ENGEN101 Engineering Maths and Modelling 1A right arrow

A study of the fundamental techniques of algebra and calculus with engineering applications.

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25B (Hamilton)
ENGEN102 Engineering Maths and Modelling 1B right arrow

A further study of the fundamental techniques of algebra and calculus with engineering applications. Includes an introduction to relevant statistical...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton)
ENGEN103 Engineering Computing right arrow

This paper introduces computer programming in languages such as the MATLAB and Python languages. It provides the basis for the programming skills...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
ENGEN110 Engineering Mechanics right arrow

Statics and dynamics of rigid bodies. Application of freebody diagrams and equations of equilibrium to calculate internal and external forces and...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25G (Hamilton)
ENGEN111 Electricity for Engineers right arrow

Concepts underlying electricity such as current, voltage and power will be introduced, and apply these concepts to analyse electrical energy systems.

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25B (Tauranga) & 25X (Hamilton)
ENGEN170 Engineering and Society right arrow

Introduction to the role of engineering in society with a focus on sustainable development, data analysis, holistic systems thinking, and the future...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
ENGEN180 Foundations of Engineering right arrow

Introduction to the engineering design process and computer aided design, fundamental principles of engineering analysis, open ended problem solving...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX203 Computer Systems right arrow

This paper provides an overview of the operation of computer systems. The central theme is the way in which the hardware and software co-operate to...

15 No occurrences
COMPX234 Systems and Networks right arrow

A study on principles of operating systems and networking and how they are applied to existing systems. It begins with the principles of operating...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25A (Tauranga) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
ENGEE230 Computer Hardware and Microprocessors right arrow

A study of microprocessors, starting with how to design and realise a microprocessor using a hardware description language, and further, how the...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGEE231 Circuit Theory right arrow

This paper covers the theory, analysis and frequency response of electrical circuits involving transient and steady-state analysis of the...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEN201 Engineering Maths and Modelling 2 right arrow

Calculus of Several Variables and its Applications. Vector calculus (Green's, Gauss' and Stokes' theorems). Taylor's Theorem in n dimensions...

15 25A (Hamilton) & 25H (Online)
ENGEN270 Engineering and Business right arrow

This paper focuses on empowering students to become “business savvy” and prepared to enter the workplace and solve real-world problems. Topics...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGEN271 Engineering Work Placement 1 right arrow

This paper is taken by students undertaking their first work placement for the BE(Hons). It involves 400 hours of engineering-related work...

0 25X (Hamilton)
ENGEN272 Engineering Work Placement 1 right arrow

This paper is taken by students undertaking their first work placement for the BE(Hons) concurrent with the Diploma in Engineering Management or...

30 25X (Hamilton)
ENGME251 Dynamics and Vibration right arrow

This paper covers dynamics of rigid bodies and fundamentals of vibration. Topics in rigid body dynamics are planar kinematics, mass moment of...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGMP213 Mechanics of Materials 1 right arrow

Analysis of skeletal structural members, supports and connections subject to single and combined loading. Calculation of displacements (translations...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGMT280 Mechatronics Design and Manufacturing right arrow

This paper covers the system approach to design and development of mechatronics systems. Modern computer aided tools will be used to design, develop...

15 25B (Hamilton)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX310 Machine Learning right arrow

This paper introduces Machine Learning (ML) which is the science of making predictions. ML algorithms strive to be fast and highly accurate, while...

15 25B (Hamilton) & 25X (Hainan University, Haikou China)
COMPX349 Embedded Systems right arrow

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGEE358 Control Theory and Applications right arrow

This paper teaches control theory and its applications in electrical and mechatronics engineering. The theory convers behaviour of linear...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEN301 Engineering Maths and Modelling 3 right arrow

Introduces numerical methods and statistical ideas relevant to Engineering.

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEN370 Engineering and the Environment right arrow

This paper covers sustainability in engineering design and renewable energy generation through the critical lens of environmental impact assessment...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEN371 Engineering Work Placement 2 right arrow

This paper is taken by students undertaking their second work placement for the BE(Hons). It involves 400 hours of engineering-related work...

0 25X (Hamilton)
ENGEN372 Engineering Work Placement 2 right arrow

This paper is taken by students undertaking their second work placement for the BE(Hons) concurrent with the Graduate Diploma in Engineering...

30 25X (Hamilton)
ENGME353 Mechanical and Electrical Machines right arrow

This paper builds on the fundamentals taught in ENGEN110, ENGEN111 and ENGEN180; it covers application of electromechanical machine characteristics...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGMT359 Autonomous Systems right arrow

This paper introduces the fundamentals of autonomous systems such as localisation, navigation and mapping, subsequently develops autonomous mobile...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGMT380 Mechatronics Design and Real-time System right arrow

This paper introduces the use of sensors and microcontrollers/embedded systems in conjunction with advanced control theory to design and develop...

15 25B (Hamilton)
Code and paper title Points
COMPX525 Deep Learning right arrow

This paper provides an introduction into Deep Learning, focussing on both algorithms and applications. It covers both the basics of Neural networks...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEE523 Sensors, Instrumentation and Measurement right arrow

An overview of instruments used by engineers, including sensor fundamentals and measurement uncertainties for discussions leading to measurement...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGEE532 Image Processing and Machine Vision right arrow

This paper is an introduction to image processing and machine vision in the engineering context. Students will learn to develop image processing...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGEN570 Engineering and the Profession right arrow

The roles and responsibilities of professional engineers are examined. Topics include; project management, leadership, negotiation, ethical...

15 25D (Hamilton)
ENGEN582 Honours Research and Development Project right arrow

This paper provides the "capstone" project required to complete an accredited engineering degree. The paper builds on the knowledge and skills...

45 25X (Hamilton) & 25X (Tauranga)
ENGME540 Finite Element Analysis right arrow

Theory of finite elements analysis using variational methods. Numerical modelling for finding the stresses and displacements of bars, beams and...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGME551 Mechanics of Vibration right arrow

This paper covers vibrations of two and multiple degree of freedom systems, modelling and analysis for design improvements, vibration control...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGME580 Product Innovation and Development right arrow

ENGME580 teaches students the innovation and product development process; levels of innovation, how to screen ideas, Intellectual Property and how to...

15 25A (Hamilton)
ENGMT531 Signals and Signal Processing right arrow

This paper teaches analogue signals and digital signal processing. Topics taught include the Fourier representation of signals, digital filter design...

15 25B (Hamilton)
ENGMT558 Robotics right arrow

This paper teaches students advanced mechatronics with applications to mobile and industrial robotic applications.

15 25B (Hamilton)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 18 Feb 2025 01:00am