Research by the WGRN

Discover our latest projects and findings in the field of gender studies.

Waikato Gender Research Network

Research Projects

Featured project

Engaging Women and Migrants in New Zealand Public Policy
Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar


Featured publication

Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine
Johanna Schmidt


Selection of recent publications

Claiborne, L. B. and Cornforth, S. 2010: Supporting diversity, difference, and inclusion in higher education, in V. Green & S. Cherrington (eds), Delving into diversity: An international exploration of issues of diversity in education, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 255-263.

Coleborne, C. 2010: Gender in the Archive, Annual Margaret Avery Memorial Lecture, History Programme, University of Waikato.

Curtis, C. 2007: Self-mutilation and suicide in young women: qualitative account, International Association for Suicide Prevention: XXIV World Congress, Killarney, Ireland, 28 August – 1 September.

Hamilton, C. 2010: “But Rachael was enjoying it too, wasn’t she?” Cultural norms and alternative approaches in a learning disability case study, in R Shuttleworth and T Sanders (eds), Sexuality and Disability: Politics, Identity and Access. Leeds: The Disability Press.

Hardy, A. forthcoming. New Zealand film in the 1990s, in L MacDonald, D Pivac and F Stark (eds) New Zealand Film: An Illustrated History. Te Papa/N.Z Film Archive

Johnston, L. and Longhurst, R. 2010: Space, Place and Sex: Geographies of Sexualities, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Longhurst, R. 2010: Home: feminist perspectives, in S. Smith (ed) International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier: Oxford.

Michelle, C. 2011: Co-constructions of Gender and Ethnicity in New Zealand Television Advertising, Sex Roles [Online First]. Doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0067-5

Middleton, S. Forthcoming: Jane’s three letters: Working with documents and archives, in S. Delamont (ed) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Edward Elgar.

Morrison, C.A. forthcoming 2012:  Home and heterosexuality in Aotearoa New Zealand: the spaces and practices of DIY and home renovation, New Zealand Geographer (for specialist issue ‘Revisiting geographies of gender and sexuality ‘down-under’)

Schmidt, J. (2010), Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine, Ashgate.

Todd, C. (2012), ‘Troubling’ gender in virtual gaming spaces. New Zealand Geographer, 68: 101–110. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7939.2012.01227

Weaver, C. K. 2010: Carnivalesque activism as a public relations genre: A case study of the New Zealand group mothers against genetic engineering, Public Relations Review, 36(1), 35-41.