Professor Lynda Johnston
Keynote address, European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, 2011
Research Projects
Featured publication
Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine
Johanna Schmidt
Selection of recent publications
Claiborne, L. B. and Cornforth, S. 2010: Supporting diversity, difference, and inclusion in higher education, in V. Green & S. Cherrington (eds), Delving into diversity: An international exploration of issues of diversity in education, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 255-263.
Coleborne, C. 2010: Gender in the Archive, Annual Margaret Avery Memorial Lecture, History Programme, University of Waikato.
Curtis, C. 2007: Self-mutilation and suicide in young women: qualitative account, International Association for Suicide Prevention: XXIV World Congress, Killarney, Ireland, 28 August – 1 September.
Hamilton, C. 2010: “But Rachael was enjoying it too, wasn’t she?” Cultural norms and alternative approaches in a learning disability case study, in R Shuttleworth and T Sanders (eds), Sexuality and Disability: Politics, Identity and Access. Leeds: The Disability Press.
Hardy, A. forthcoming. New Zealand film in the 1990s, in L MacDonald, D Pivac and F Stark (eds) New Zealand Film: An Illustrated History. Te Papa/N.Z Film Archive
Johnston, L. and Longhurst, R. 2010: Space, Place and Sex: Geographies of Sexualities, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Longhurst, R. 2010: Home: feminist perspectives, in S. Smith (ed) International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier: Oxford.
Michelle, C. 2011: Co-constructions of Gender and Ethnicity in New Zealand Television Advertising, Sex Roles [Online First]. Doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0067-5
Middleton, S. Forthcoming: Jane’s three letters: Working with documents and archives, in S. Delamont (ed) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Edward Elgar.
Morrison, C.A. forthcoming 2012: Home and heterosexuality in Aotearoa New Zealand: the spaces and practices of DIY and home renovation, New Zealand Geographer (for specialist issue ‘Revisiting geographies of gender and sexuality ‘down-under’)
Schmidt, J. (2010), Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine, Ashgate.
Todd, C. (2012), ‘Troubling’ gender in virtual gaming spaces. New Zealand Geographer, 68: 101–110. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7939.2012.01227
Weaver, C. K. 2010: Carnivalesque activism as a public relations genre: A case study of the New Zealand group mothers against genetic engineering, Public Relations Review, 36(1), 35-41.