O ke kahua ma mua, ma hope o ke kūkulu - What is Indigenous Data Sovereignty?
Kingitanga Day Presentation on IP and Te Ao Maori
Te Mata Punenga o Te Kotahi (Te Kotahi Research Institute) hosts a number of experts and practitioners to discuss recent work on Intellectual Property and Te Ao Māori. Chris Insley (Te Arawa Fisheries Group) and Penelope Gibson (Quedo) will be discussing intellectual property relating to smart aquaculture developed by iwi and the process of registering intellectual property rights nationally and internationally for products. Manu Caddie from Hikurangi Bioactives Ltd Partnership and Tracey Whare from the University of Auckland will be sharing their work around the development of the Taonga Species and Intellectual Property Guidelines and their work focused on kānuka and kina. Te Kotahi Research Institute researchers Maui Hudson, Rogena Stirling and Katie-Lee Riddle will present their recent report on Understanding Māori Rights and Interests in Intellectual Property arising from Research and Innovation.

Te Nohonga Kaitiaki
This project is funded by Genomics Aotearoa to develop guidelines for genomic research on taonga species. The guidelines are being developed as a tool to assist in the planning and execution of genomic research in a manner that honours taonga, kaitiaki and mātauranga Māori. The guidelines support mana whenua and serve as a starting point for hapū and iwi to formulate specific guidance that is relevant to their own tikanga and mātauranga.
On behalf of Te Nohonga Kaitiaki team Maui will outline new guidelines for genomic research on taonga species that have emerged from a Genomics Aotearoa funded research project.