The messaging system within Moodle provides a way of sending instant messages to your lecturer or a classmate. It is not limited to a specific paper, any Moodle user may send a message to another.

Quick View

  1. You can access Messages by selecting the speech bubble icon. 
  2. Enter the name of the person you would like to message in the Search bar. If they have already been added as a contact, you can also find them listed under Contacts.
  3. Enter your message using the textbox located at the bottom of the sidebar.
    Note: If you have previously sent or received a message from this person, you will also be able to see the previous message(s).

  4. Select the Send message icon to the right of the textbox.

Full View

  1. Alternatively, you can send a message by selecting your user icon and then selecting Messages from the pop-up menu. 
  2. To send a new message, select either Messages at the bottom-left of the page to reply to an existing conversation, or Contacts to search for a user. Type in user or course name at the top-left of the page. There are also categories of starred, group, and private which drop down and selected to send a message too.
  3. Compose your message in the text box provided and when you are done select the arrow to Send.

Note: You can also send a message directly to a user from their profile page.