In recognition of the status of te reo Māori as a tāonga protected under the Treaty of Waitangi, and as reflected in the Māori Language Act 1987, the University of Waikato endorses the right of its students to use te reo Māori in written work for assessment within the University.

Individual Divisions and the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies are responsible for ensuring that the policy can be fulfilled in their programmes and that they have processes in place to support it.

Outside of the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, the first point of contact for students or staff is their Associate Dean Māori who will liaise with the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori if an assessment requires translation.

In keeping with the above and in accordance with its Charter commitments, the University seeks to have sufficient suitable staff employed or available throughout its Divisions and the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies to ensure that any work submitted in te reo Māori would be assessed in that language by staff competent in the subject under examination and in te reo Māori.


The use of te reo Māori in assessment is subject to a number of conditions:

  • Students must give 14 days notice of their intention in presenting all or part of an internal assessment in te reo Māori;
  • Examiners of the assessment must be linguistically competent in teo reo Māori, as determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori or their nominee.

Read the Policy on the use of Māori for Assessment.