Research institutes
Discover the ground-breaking research being carried out in our Research Institutes.

Artificial Intelligence Institute
Launched in April 2021, Te Ipu o te Mahara, The Artificial Intelligence Institute at the University of Waikato takes an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to the development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) research.

Te Kotahi Research Institute (TKRI)
Te Kotahi Research Institute supports initiatives producing resources for wider community usage that contribute to the areas of Mātauranga Māori, Indigenous Data Sovereignty, and Indigenous Genomics.

Te Ngira Institute for Population Research
Te Ngira Institute for Population Research is Aotearoa’s only dedicated demographic research centre. We carry out world-leading research in the areas of Indigenous demography and data sovereignty, temporary migration and Pacific health equity.

New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science
Te Puna Haumaru | New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science was established at the University of Waikato in 2017. The University is one of the three founding members of the NZ Evidence Based Policing Centre, along with NZ Police and ESR.

The Environmental Research Institute
Researchers in the Environmental Research Institute come from a wide range of areas and are united into themes which transcend ecosystem boundaries and reach from mountains to sea.

The New Zealand Institute for Business Research (NZIBR)
We offer a wealth of knowledge in areas ranging from economic impact analysis, strategy and leadership, to marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research (WMIER)
It is our mission to support staff across Te Kura Toi Tangata School of Education to carry out innovative and collaborative education research that makes a real difference to education policy and practice.