Māori ki Waikato
The University of Waikato offers programmes and services for Māori students, including academic support, scholarships, housing, and leadership opportunities.

Māori leaders play a significant role in shaping our nation — and more will be called upon to support the shaping of the generations to come. As our future leaders this is a time for you to further develop and refine your skills, expand and strengthen your knowledge base, build relationships and prepare for a career and life beyond study.
Coming to university can be daunting but we want you to know that there is a whānau here committed to supporting your success. Māori students are visible and actively engaged in all aspects of university life, through a dedicated leadership role in the Waikato Students’ Union, Māori student groups across the University of Waikato and Pūtikitiki — our Māori student space.
Alongside our student rōpū is the Māori ki Waikato whānau. Our collective goal is to assist you as you strive for success for you, your whānau, communities, marae, hapū and iwi.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui. Pai Mārire.
Dr Sarah Jane Tiakiwai
Te Ihorangi Māori, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori
Te Kāhui Pīrere programme for first year Māori students
We’ve created a programme that we know will help you in your first year. You’ll learn how to understand your degree structure, how to prepare for University exams and even receive budgeting advice towards the end of the year for those who are going flatting.

Te Kāhui Pīrere
Te Kāhui Pīrere helps to ensure first-year Māori students have the best start possible at the University.
Me he manu pīrere e whakarere ana i tōna kōhanga
Like a baby bird leaving their nest
Te Kāhui Pīrere is a new programme at the University dedicated to supporting Māori students transition from the comforts of home, beneath the wings of their whānau, into their new life and whānau at university.
Being a part of a wider kāhui that supports and nurtures you can be the best thing to help you get through — it's your whānau away from home.
The programme will involve workshops, social events and regular check-ins during trimesters. All students are expected to attend these events, though exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Ideally students will be:
- Enrolled in their first year of degree level study i.e. preferably a school leaver.
- Of Māori descent and enrolled as a Māori student but there is no requirement to be a reo speaker or to be an expert in tikanga Māori/te ao Māori.
- Able to commit to a kaupapa and to excelling in their studies.
- Positive and open to new experiences and meeting new people.
We’re open to all students who fit the above criteria but are particularly interested in those who come from rural communities, those who are enrolled in any of the sciences or those who are living off-campus.
Te Puna Tautoko
Here at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, we have a huge network of Māori staff and students to support you on your journey.
In addition to our Māori Mentoring services based in the Faculty or Divisions, our Te Puna Tautoko members also work in our central services. Find help in a range of areas including essay writing, referencing, using the library, student health, student advocacy.

Student learning
Get information on study skills, university technology support and free courses.

Student health
Get help with medical issues, counselling, violence prevention, sexual health and more.

Find out more about navigating the library resources, referencing, tips and tours.

Get help with career planning, CVs, interview skills, career fairs, employer campus visits.

Use the scholarship finder and contact us for help on improving your application.

Waikato Students' Union
Learn more about student advocacy and support at the home of your Vice-President Māori.

Future Student Advisors
Prospective student information and opportunities to assist in recruitment activities. Contact our Future Student Adviser (Māori) at maori-recruitment@waikato.ac.nz

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori office
Home of the Māori ki Waikato team and a number of tauira programmes and events. Call 0800 WAIKATO, email dvcmaori@waikato.ac.nz or find us on Facebook or Instagram.

Ngā rōpū Māori
Social, sporting or academic — there's a club or group that will be the right fit for you.

Book Te Kohinga Mārama Marae
The University’s marae provides a high standard of catering and hospitality service. A support facility for the University, the marae serves the teaching, learning and cultural needs of our community — and is available for bookings.

Te Pūoho Hubs
Our Te Pūoho Hubs are dedicated to improving Māori student achievement at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato.

Te Āhurutanga
Our student leadership programme develops and nurtures Māori students to become leaders and global citizens.

Te Toi o Matariki
He karanga maioha tēnei ki ngā tauira Māori o Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e whai nei i ngā tohu hōnore, ngā tohu paerua rānei.