Research projects
See research in action – discover how University of Waikato research is making a positive impact on the world.
Āmiomio Aotearoa
Āmiomio Aotearoa is a transdisciplinary, multi-partner research project funded by the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and hosted by the University of Waikato.
WERO - Working to end racial oppression
A research programme that takes up the challenge of confronting institutional and interpersonal racism in Aotearoa.
Nga Tūmanakotanga – Turning the Tide on Prison Violence
This is a study aimed to decrease physical, sexual, psychological and structural harm and improve safety and wellbeing for those who reside and work in prison settings in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Creating an inclusive European Citizens’ Assembly (EU-CIEMBLY)
EU-CIEMBLY focuses on developing an inclusive, intersectional, and equitable EU Citizens' Assembly to enhance the participation of marginalised groups in the political process.
Age Responsive Pedagogies
Discover proven teaching methods for young minds and help children thrive.