A Trimester


BIOEB303 or BIOL503 or an approved equivalent course covering key concepts in ecology and evolution.

This paper aims to develop students' understanding of ecological theory with a focus on terrestrial ecosystems, and of how theory can inform ecosystem management and our understanding of environmental problems. As well as exploring some of the big questions in contemporary ecology (both nationally and internationally), the paper focuses strongly on developing the skills needed by research students. The topics covered span a gamut of biological organization from organism-level (physiological ecology) through to ecosystems.

Teaching Periods and Locations

23A (HAM)
Paper outline
A Trimester :
27 Feb 2023 - 25 Jun 2023
Hamilton 60% internal assessment, 40% examinations

If your paper outline is not linked below, try the previous year's version of this paper.

Timetabled lectures

23A (HAM)
Name Day Time Room Dates
Lecture 1 Thur 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM J.2.18, Hamilton Mar 2 - Jun 4
Visit the online timetable for this paper for more details

Indicative Fees

  • You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

23A (HAM) $1,111

You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

23A (HAM) $4,864

You will be sent an enrolment agreement which will confirm your fees. Tuition fees shown are indicative only and may change. There are additional fees and charges related to enrolment - please see the Table of Fees and Charges for more information.

Available subjects

Additional information

  • Paper details current as of 1 Jun 2024 22:25pm
  • Indicative fees current as of 3 Feb 2025 01:20am