Te Raupapa Waikato Management School

51st Waikato Management School Case Competition

Company: Waitomo Group

Waitomo Kiwis Fueling Kiwis

Case Synopsis

As Jimmy Ormsby drove into the parking lot of the new headquarters of Waitomo Group in September 2023, he couldn’t help but reflect on how far Waitomo had come from its origins in Te Kuiti 76 years earlier when his grandfather started the business.  A Commerce Commission enquiry into retail fuel and subsequent legislation had given effect to greater competition at the wholesale level which provided opportunities.  However, the future of petrol and diesel fueling and an inevitable conversion to more sustainable sources made investment complex.  While Waitomo had recently added 50% to their national volumes through the acquisition of competitor Z Energy’s mini-tanker and bulk fuels business, Jimmy knew that selecting the right opportunities and approach would be tricky with the level of change the industry faced.

Case Authors

Stephen Bowden


    • Mark McCabe - Waikato Managing Partner - PwC New Zealand
    • Simoné Wright - Global Finance Projects Director -Turnitin
    • Andrew Johnson - CEO - Lightware IT Partners

Date of Event

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time and Venue

6.30pm: Presentations begin
Venue: PWC (MSB.1.04)  Lecture Theatre


Jess Meade and Ricky Su

Finalist Teams

NXGen Consulting

    • Aaron Rei
    • Chris Taylor
    • Jason Teklenburg
    • Simone Blackburn


    • Brittany Liang
    • Josh Bell
    • Jamee Mitchell
    • Sam Sinclair

Tryptic Consulting

    • Erin Tickelpenny
    • Simone Peers
    • Molly Missen

Vanguard Consultants

    • Amy Bryce
    • Sean Grey
    • Daniel Haynes
    • Caleb Laurent

Winning Team

Tryptic Consulting

  • Erin Tickelpenny
  • Simone Peers
  • Molly Missen

Video's of Presentations

NXGen Consulting


Tryptic Consulting

Vanguard Consultants


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