Ethics committees

Information about the Ethics Committees for Animal, Human and Divisional Research at the University of Waikato.

University research must meet all ethical and legal requirements and professional standards pertaining to the discipline within which the research is to be conducted. This is research that involves:

  • Human research subjects (including medical and/or teaching related research)
  • Animals or genetically modified organisms
  • Sensitive official and archival documents

Animal Ethics Committee

Users of live animals for teaching, research or production of biologically active agents have ethical and legal responsibility for the welfare of their animals. All protocols involving teaching and research in which living animals are to be used must be submitted to the Animal Ethics Committee.

Human Research Ethics Committee

The Human Research Ethics Committee is responsible to the Academic Board for the promotion, review and monitoring of ethical practice in human research carried out by staff or students of the University and for monitoring compliance with the University's Human Research Ethics Regulations. The Human Research Ethics Regulations have been developed to facilitate ethical conduct which respects the rights of people, communities, companies, trusts and other organisations. These regulations explain the standards of ethical conduct and the procedures that apply for the maintenance and monitoring of these standards.

Contact point for enquiries

Lois Vuursteen –

Divisional resources