Principal Investigators: Professor Bronwen Cowie , Dr Frances Edwards in collaboration with Inquiry Strand leader: Nicola Gibson (Pukekohe Kāhui Ako)
Project Dates: January 2019 - September 2021
Partnerships: Funded by the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative
What is the aim of the research?
The project is aiming to understand how to develop teacher data literacy as a process of generating, interpreting and using data to inform action with classes and individual students. We are also exploring the nature of effective development of teachers as data coaches of their colleagues as a means of developing a school culture of proactive data use.
Why is this research important?
Despite increased interest in evidence based practice internationally research consistently reports that many educators do not make effective use of the student data they collect. Currently there is concern regarding the level of teacher data literacy in New Zealand (ERO, 2017). This project focuses on how teacher data literacy can be enhanced across schools within a Kāhui Ako through the use of data coaches, in the expectation findings will be shared and inform professional learning about data literacy more widely.
How will the research be conducted?
We are working with teachers from seven schools within a Kāhui ako, to develop their data literacy and their capabilities to coach other teachers. We have developed and used a protocol to support teacher conversations about their student data.
Data is being generated during team meetings, through surveys, the collection of teacher plans and annotations from teaching sequences, teacher reflective interviews, evaluation of students’ responses to teacher actions and student achievement data, and student voice.
Our partners
Pukekohe Kāhui Ako