Covid-19 Information
Keep up with the latest Covid-19 news, updates and advice from the University all in one place.
The majority of all Government imposed Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted in New Zealand and the University is open and operating as normal. The University no longer has a Covid-19 vaccination requirement.
Have a question? Please get in touch: or 0800 WAIKATO (+64 7 262 0500)
Support for students with Covid-19
Check Moodle for specific updates relating to your course, and to communicate with your lecturer(s).
It’s important that you take time to rest and recover if you test positive for Covid-19. Everyone experiences Covid-19 differently, and we recognise that some people’s ability to study from home is impacted by factors alongside Covid-19.
We recommend you let your course coordinator/lecturer know if you have tested positive for Covid-19 and it is likely to impact your ability to complete course work. First year students should contact their Study Advisor, you can find details on MyWaikato. They may be able to help you by providing an extension, or other support.
If you are unable to complete an assessment, continue reading for information about special consideration to see if that applies to your situation.
Assessments and Special Consideration
If Covid-19 is affecting your ability to complete an assessment, please contact your lecturer about what support you may be eligible for, or if you qualify for an extension on the due date.
If you have Covid-19 and are unable to take an examination, or if Covid-19 is affecting your ability to undertake an examination, you may be eligible for Special Consideration.
If Covid-19 has significantly impacted you throughout the duration of your paper/s, you may be eligible for a Grade Reconsideration.
Please contact our Student Centre team: or 0800 WAIKATO
Looking after your wellbeing
It’s important to look after yourself and the University has many ways we can support you with your health and wellbeing. Take a look at our Health & Wellbeing pages for ways to access or ask for help.
Mask usage
- Please respect anyone who chooses to wear a mask
- The University may require mask wearing as part of usual personal protective equipment (PPE) in science laboratories.
- Some places you visit off-campus as part of your studies might ask you to wear a mask, check with them before visiting.
- If you are in a class where mask wearing has been a requirement this trimester, this requirement will continue.
Stay home if you are sick or have:
- New or worsening cough
- Fever or high temperature
- Sore throat
- Runny nose or sneezing
- Shortness of breath
- Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
- Tested positive for Covid-19 (if you test positive for Covid-19 you are still required to isolate for 5 days)
- Stay home until you are better (or until 5 days have passed if you have Covid-19)
- We will be flexible if you aren’t able to come to campus.
- Please talk to your lecturer, study advisor or manager to see how we can support you.
Continue with good health practices:
- Wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitiser
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow
- Clean or disinfect shared surfaces regularly
- Consider wearing a face mask when working close to others and please respect anyone who chooses to wear a mask
- Stay home if you are sick – take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) if you have Covid-19 symptoms.
- Open windows (if possible) to increase fresh air flow inside, the University continues to maintain our air condition systems
- Stay up to date with your vaccinations
Stay updated
For latest information and updates visit
Student Health Information
General Practice Clinic
Tauranga Student Health
Student Health Service Fees
After-hours urgent care
International students health insurance and support
Complaints procedure
Meningococcal vaccines
Mental health first aid
Mental health and wellbeing
Sexual health
Wellbeing tools and strategies
Violence Prevention