A Trimester
ENGEN110 or ENGEN112 or ENGG110 or ENMP102
ERTH352 or EARTH313
This paper covers basic concepts and principles governing the mechanical behaviour of soils, rocks and slopes, including the effective stress concept, shear strength of soils, and stability concepts. Field and laboratory work provide opportunity to learn practical skills and apply the knowledge gained.
Teaching Periods and Locations
19A (HAM)
Hamilton, On-campus19A (HAM)A Trimester :25 Feb 2019 - 23 Jun 2019HamiltonOn-campus50% internal assessment, 50% examinations
19A (HAM) Paper outline |
A Trimester : 25 Feb 2019 - 23 Jun 2019 |
Hamilton | On-campus | 50% internal assessment, 50% examinations |
If your paper outline is not linked below, try the previous year's version of this paper.
There is a compulsory laboratory component.
Available subjects
Additional information
- Paper details current as of 31 May 2024 23:27pm
- Indicative fees current as of 13 Feb 2025 01:20am