Introduction - He kupu whakataki

The kaimahi/staff of Te Whai Toi Tangata have collaborated during  2019-2020 to develop these fundamental beliefs for our organisation.  They provide us with a future focused theory of practice for what we deem to be important in our mahi/work.  These aspirational beliefs set the purpose and expectations for our organisation and reflect how we strive to operate internally, as well as the educational outcomes for all those we work with, both within Aotearoa - New Zealand and internationally.

He raukura huia, he huia kaimanawa!
Ko te raukura huia te tohu mō Te Whai Toi Tangata 
Huia e, huia tangata kotahi.

The huia feather is a treasured object
a special symbol for Te Whai Toi Tangata
Huia, your destiny is to bring people together

Ko Te Whai Toi Tangata. 
Tihei mauri ora!

Toitū te mātauranga
Toitū ngā taura here
Toitū te hīnātore e
Toitū te mana taurite
Toitū te kanorau
Toitū te mana o te Tiriti e

Huia e, huia e, tangata e