This comprehensive series of interactive workshops seeks to broaden your understanding of school leadership, addressing the issues, needs and aspirations. It is suitable for those who wish to pursue middle and senior leadership positions. Our kanohi ki te kanohi twilight series will be interactive with time provided for dialogue, discussion and debate.
The workshop content has been co-constructed with the assistance of previous participants identified needs and feedback.
In an attempt to be responsive and adaptive to participant needs, each session in the series builds on the knowledge of the previous session.
- Deepen our understanding of ourselves as a leader
- Examine the issues faced by leaders in a school
- Inquire into a wide range of leadership practices that will assist in building a leadership platform.
- Unpacking the Educational Leadership Capability Framework/ Tu Rangatira: Maori
- Medium Educational Leadership.
- Further develop our understanding of the importance of School Culture
- Examine tools and models that promote leading for a strategic and successful sustainable change
- Promote dialogue, discussion and debate with other school leaders
- Support leaders inquiries as part of the Professional Growth cycle (PGC)
- Assist with further aspirations towards senior leadership positions