52nd Case Competition 2024 - Ozone Coffee
This year's competition will focus on Ozone Coffee, a pioneering specialty coffee company founded in New Plymouth in 1998, before expanding to London in 2012. After 26 years in business, what does the future hold for this ambitious Kiwi company?

Event details
Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2024
Time: 5.45pm - 9.00pm
Venue: PwC Lecture Theatre (MSB.1.04), Waikato Management School, The University of Waikato, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton
Entry: Admission is free, no RSVP required, just turn up on the night.
Finalist teams for the 52nd Case Competition 2024
1) Fantastic Five Consulting - 'Ultimate coffee hosts'
- Hannah Ford
- Levi Jaunay
- Edyn May
- Sarah Lanham Watson
- Nesil Satani
2) 3/4 There Consulting – 'Time for new grounds'
- Nick Benfell
- Max Henderson
- Sam Parker
- Dylan Wilson
3) Aotearoa Advisory - 'Beyond the brew'
- Hayden Collier
- Alysha Gill
- Bennett Greenough
- Jared Lines
4) Profit Prophets - 'Ethical elevation'
- Bernard Budel
- Emma Pike
- Aung Thiha
- Te Rameka Waldon
The aim of the competition
First launched in 1996, the Waikato Management School Case Competition is a practical assignment as part of STMGT303 Applied Strategy, which is the capstone paper for the subject major in Strategic Management.
Working in teams, students are given a detailed case study of a real New Zealand company to analyse over a two-week period, much as if they were employed as real-life management consultants.
Their challenge? To develop a five-year strategy to grow the company's sales, profits and revenue, by leveraging its core strengths and expanding into new national or global markets. Each team also writes an in-depth business report about their strategy for the judges to consider.
Clients involved with the WMS Case Competition in previous years have included the likes of Zealong Tea, Zuru Toys, Annah Stretton Fashion, Yealands Wine Group, and Tainui Group Holdings Ltd, to name just a few.
How the competition works
On a day known as "Super Friday", each of the competing teams gives an inspiring presentation about their strategy to a judging panel of WMS lecturers and tutors.
The best four teams are chosen as finalists for the Waikato Management School Case Competition — proudly sponsored by PWC.
Each team gives a 10-minute presentation in front of a public audience. They must also respond to some tricky questions from the panel of external judges, comprised of industry experts.
After some healthy debate, the judges choose a winning team based on a 50:50 weighting of the written reports and presentations.
At the end of the evening, all the finalists are presented with a certificate and the winning team is announced. The winning team goes home with a $2,500 cash prize sponsored by PWC.
51st Case Competition 2023 - Waitomo Group
Tasked with making the most of a Commerce Commission enquiry into retail fuel and subsequent legislation, students tried to plot a new course for the Waitomo Group. Tryptic Consulting wowed the judges.

50th Case Competition 2022 - Fonterra
After posted Fonterra a healthy profit of NZ $583 million for its 10,000 dairy farmer shareholders, competitors were asked to envision what the company's next 20-30 years would look like. Dynamic Consulting put forward the best strategy.
49th Case Competition 2021 - Shift72
Video on demand platform Shift72 was a global player before Covid hit but suddenly the firm was involved with film festivals like Cannes, Sundance and South by Southwest. Competitors were asked how best to take advantage and Prestige Strategies triumphed.

48th Case Competition 2020 - Boating and Outdoors
Formed in the early 1990s as a buying group, by 2020 Boating and Outdoors had 24 stores across the country — and an opportune moment to step back and decide on future operations. Triple J Consulting best plotted a course that would deliver success.

Previous competitions 2018-2019

46th Case Competition May 2019 - ZURU Edge
ZURU Edge launched Rascal and Friends nappies in 2017 planning for global success across multiple consumer categories — the goal was "five billion dollar brands in five years". Watch how 303 and Me set out their impressive business case.

45th Case Competition Oct 2018 - Allbirds
Shoe company Allbirds arrived on the scene intent on disrupting the industry with a small range of products made from sustainable materials. How could they scale up and have the impact they wanted? Watch Optimistic Idiots' plan to feather their nest.

44th Case Competition May 2018 - Xero
Accounting software firm Xero had been focussed on beautiful accounting software but was planning to target beautiful business. Tehy needed to know how cloud software could help small businesses? Watch Dream Strategy deliver on their name.

43rd Case Competition Oct 2017 - Zealong
After eight years developing the Zealong brand, the tea industry was on the cusp of a renaissance. Competitors were tasked with navigating this opportunity, while expanding the revenue generated from their existing services. Watch Settlers of Catan plan.

42nd Case Competition May 2017 - ZURU Toys
From its NZ origins, Zuru had ridden meteoric growth to become a China-based business with revenues of NZ$500m and climbing by 2017. Management felt ready to make a quantum leap in how they operated. Watch Elite Consulting lay out their winning plan.