Waikato Management School has a track-record of expertise in the area of health management. WMS's expertise is focused on health communication, indigenous health management, health economics, and changes caused by population growth.
Showcase Projects
He Pikinga Waiora
Healthier Lives, National Science Challenge
Principal investigators: Professor John Oetzel and Associate Professor Mary Simpson (SOMM)
The He Pikinga Waiora team is working with Maori health providers to develop two innovative interventions following the He Pikinga Implementation Framework. Both interventions address pre-diabetes along with related conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease.
The team aims to develop communication and engagement strategies that improve the uptake and implementation of prevention and treatment programmes, with the aim of providing patient-centred, culturally effective care and interventions within culturally diverse health care settings.
View video where Professor John Oeztel introduces the research project.
Rapid alcohol home delivery (RAHD) in New Zealand
Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand
Principal investigator: Professor Michael Cameron
The overall aim of this research is to better understand the environment for rapid (same-day) alcohol home delivery (RAHD) in New Zealand, and to provide focused guidance for policy development and legislative review in relation to the regulation of RAHD.
The research is focused on understanding the size and key features of the RAHD sector, what controls over the availability of alcohol are employed in the RAHD sector, and the expected impacts of RAHD on drug and alcohol treatment service providers and their clients.
Professor Michael Cameron has also recently been appointed to the newly-formed Alcohol Research Advisory Group at Health New Zealand. The group will set the future direction of alcohol research and determine funding priorities throughout New Zealand.
Michael was appointed to the group due to his extensive research on alcohol and alcohol-related harm over the past 16 years.
Examples of Publications
Oetzel, J., Boursaw, B., Magarati, M., Dickson, E., Sanchez-Youngman, S., Morales, L., . . . Wallerstein, N. (2022). Exploring theoretical mechanisms of community-engaged research: a multilevel cross-sectional national study of structural and relational practices in community-academic partnerships. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1). doi:10.1186/s12939-022-01663-y
Hokowhitu, B., Oetzel, J., Jackson, A. M., Simpson, M., Ruru, S., Cameron, M., . . . Warbrick, I. (2022). Mana motuhake, indigenous biopolitics and health. AlterNative, 18(1), 104-113. doi:10.1177/11771801221088448
Simpson, M. L., McAllum, K., & Fox, S. (2021). [Editorial] Seeing chronic inequities: A health communication call to action. Communication Research and Practice, 7(4), 307-310. doi:10.1080/22041451.2021.2004705
Harding, T., & Oetzel, J. (2021). Implementation effectiveness of health interventions with Māori communities: a cross-sectional survey of health professional perspectives. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45(3), 203-209. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.13093
Mandlik, M., Oetzel, J. G., & Kadirov, D. (2021). Obesity and health care interventions: Substantiating a multi-modal challenge through the lens of grounded theory. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(2), 274-284. doi:10.1002/hpja.347