
Waikato Management School is ranked 51-75th best for Tourism & Hospitality Management in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.

Te Raupapa Waikato Management School

Recent news and events

Professor Chris Ryan was a guest speaker in the Rosen College of Hospitality Management's Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series.

This series takes a look at the evolution of the hospitality and tourism industry through the eyes of some of the pioneers in this field of education.

Chris' presentation was on Tourism and Hospitality Research — from Innovation to Commodification.

Watch his presentation

China-New Zealand Tourism Research Unit

The China-New Zealand Tourism Research Unit is based at the University of Waikato.

The research unit offers excellent opportunities for Chinese students to conduct doctoral and masters research with some of the top scholars in both New Zealand and China. Students can conduct research in China knowing they may have local supervision as well as supervision from the University of Waikato. The university offers personal supervision with two supervisors per student, with students forming a peer group cemented by a programme of seminars and social events.

More information about the China-New Zealand Trourism Research Unit

Examples of publications

Gao, J., Ryan, C., Zhang, C., & Cui, J. (2022). The evolution of Chinese border tourism policies: an intergovernmental perspective on border tourism in Xishuangbanna. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research27(2), 157-172. doi:10.1080/10941665.2021.2020313

Zhang, X., & Ryan, C. (2022). Cultural or Film Tourism? An analysis comparing Hobbiton (New Zealand) and Daguanyuan (China). International Marketing Journal of Culture and Tourism1, 63-95.

Wengel, Y., McIntosh, A., & Cockburn-Wootten, C. (2022). Co-creating knowledge in tourism research using the Ketso method. In G. Phi, & D. Dredge (Eds.), Critical Issues in Tourism Co-Creation (pp. 32-43). Routledge.

Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2021). Airbnb hospitality: Exploring users and non‐users’ perceptions and intentions. Sustainability (Switzerland)13(19), 20 pages. doi:10.3390/su131910884

Cockburn-Wootten, C., & McIntosh, A. (2020). Improving the accessibility of the tourism industry in New Zealand. Sustainability12(24), 10478.