Te Raupapa Waikato Management School

The network for Māori management students

Te Ranga Ngaku (TRN) is a network for Maori management students that was first formed in 2001 and became an incorporated society in 2006.

Membership is open to any Maori student currently undertaking studies at Waikato Management School, either part-time or full-time.

The kaupapa of this roopu is to encourage whakawhanaungatanga of all Maori students through manaakitanga, awhi and tautoko.

The vision of TRN is to foster academic achievement and excellence amongst Maori Management students.

The network supports and promotes the activities and interests of Maori Management students. TRN is governed by an executive committee.

TRN has its own study room in the Management Student Centre (MSC) and organises several activities and events eg Hakinakina, Noho marae and Haerenga.

Activities organised by Te Ranga Ngaku include social sports, an annual 'haerenga' - employer networking trip, regular network meetings, social functions and much more. We also have our own study room with computer and internet access to help you in your mahi throughout the semester.

TRN meets regularly with the Dean of the WMS, raising issues on behalf of tauira Maori.

TRN has a national reputation as the most active Maori student network in commerce and business, looking after our Maori tauira right through from study within the WMS, to corporate Aotearoa and beyond.

We are all here to make sure that we succeed academically, build our connections with the corporate world for mahi when we finish, and most of all, have an awesome time while we do it!!

Come and have a korero, meet the whanau and get involved.


Established in 1998, Te Ranga Ngāku (TRN) is the only Māori student association within Waikato Management School and is one of the most active and engaging Māori student associations at the University of Waikato.

TRN provides a whānau-orientated space for Māori management students to connect and engage over kōrero and kai. 

Activities organised and promoted by TRN include study wānanga, hākinakina (sports), an annual haerenga or employer networking trip, regular hui, social functions, network collaborations and much more. The kaupapa of the roopu is to encourage whanaungatanga of all Māori management students through manaakitanga, rangatirangatanga and aroha.

TRN carry the light for Māori business in education, and it is important to make sure that we build our connections in the corporate space, make the most of the opportunities given to us, and most of all, have an awesome time while we do it.

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūoho koe me he maunga teitei

Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

You can follow TRN on the Te Ranga Ngāku Facebook page and the Te Ranga Ngāku Instagram page.

Find out more here.

Ways to make contact:

  1. Email: terangangaku@gmail.com
  2. Catch up with us on Facebook Te Ranga Ngaku Incorporated