Responsibility for policy: Director of Campus Operations and Risk Management
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
Last reviewed: October 2022
Next review date: October 2027

Print version


  1. This policy applies to all staff, students, contractors and visitors to the University of Waikato.


  1. The purpose of this policy is t:
    1. outline the circumstances under which alcohol may be sold, supplied and consumed on University premises
    2. identify responsibilities and authorities in relation to the sale and supply of alcohol on University premises, and
    3. encourage social responsibility with respect to the consumption of alcohol on University premises.

Related documents

  1. The following documents set out further information relevant to this policy:


  1. In this policy:

    BYO ('Bring Your Own') event means an event to which a person may bring alcohol primarily for their own consumption

    event means any formal or informal function held on University premises

    hospitality partner means the University's catering company which has been awarded the status of preferred supplier for catering services following a competitive tender process

    preferred supplier means a supplier that has been awarded 'preferred supplier' status for the supply of specified goods, services and/or works following a competitive tender process which has resulted in a procurement contract; unless in an emergency situation or where an exemption has been approved, where preferred suppliers for the provision of specific goods, services and/or works have been determined those suppliers must be used to purchase those goods, services and/or works

    self-catered means catered by means other than through the University’s hospitality partner, e.g. food and beverages purchased from supermarkets

    supply means make available other than by sale

    University premises means grounds, open spaces, buildings and parts of buildings occupied by the University, whether fixed or temporary (e.g. marquees), and including the halls of residence.

Prohibited activities

  1. Unless authorised or approved in accordance with this policy, the sale or supply of alcohol on University premises is prohibited.
  2. Unless on licenced premises (as set out in the Appendix to this policy), at an event approved in accordance with clauses 11, 12 or 13 of this policy, or in accordance with clause 18 of this policy, the consumption of alcohol on University premises is prohibited.


  1. The University acknowledges that the consumption of alcohol is an accepted part of social interaction and behaviour in New Zealand; however the following principles apply in circumstances involving the use of alcohol on University premises:
    1. the laws of New Zealand governing the sale of alcohol must be observed at all times
    2. the consumption of alcohol by people on University premises must always be considerate of the rights of others and must not be promoted or fostered as an end in itself
    3. cultural and age factors must be taken into account when planning events where alcohol will be available, particularly events that may involve people from countries where alcohol is not a typical aspect of hospitality, and
    4. alcohol should not be regarded or treated as a necessary component of social activities.

The sale of alcohol on licensed premises

  1. The sale of alcohol on University premises is prohibited other than in accordance with licences granted by either the relevant District Licencing Committee or the Alcohol Regulatory and Licencing Authority.
  2. As required under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, the licensee has responsibility for:
    1. not selling alcohol to minors (persons under 18 years of age)
    2. not selling alcohol to intoxicated persons
    3. excluding intoxicated persons from the premises
    4. adhering to the Host Responsibility Guidelines
    5. providing non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic drinks at all times
    6. ensuring appropriate signage in the bar area
    7. making readily available to customers, free, comprehensive and accurate information about the forms of transport from the premises that are available, and
    8. ensuring that food of a substantial nature is readily available.

The supply of alcohol outside licensed premises

  1. Unless approved otherwise in accordance with clause 11 or 12 of this policy, the supply of alcohol on University premises outside licensed premises is prohibited.
  2. Students, contractors and visitors to the University who wish to organise an event or a series of events on University premises at which alcohol is to be supplied outside licensed premises, including a BYO event, must first obtain written approval from the Campus Security and Emergency Manager at least one week prior to the event, using the Alcohol on University Premises Form.
  3. With the exception of events described in clause 13 of this policy, staff who wish to organise an event or a series of events on University premises at which alcohol is to be supplied outside licensed premises, including a BYO event, must obtain written approval from the relevant Head of School, Director or equivalent (or delegated authority) and the Campus Security and Emergency Manager at least one week prior to the event, using the Alcohol on University Premises Form.
  4. Approval for the supply of alcohol is not required for a single (i.e. one-off) staff-only event involving 15 or fewer people where the organiser is only providing one or two drinks per person.
  5. Approval by the Campus Security and Emergency Manager to the supply of alcohol on University premises will be subject to the availability of appropriate and suitable facilities.
  6. Montana Catering, operating under the brand Kahurangi, is the University's preferred supplier of catering and must be used to provide all food and beverages (including alcohol) for events, functions and conferences held on the Hamilton campus and official University events held off campus but within the Waikato region, with the exception of events involviong 15 or fewer people which may be self-catered.
  7. Unless in relation to a BYO event approved in accordance with clause 11 or 12 of this policy, no alcohol other than that supplied directly by the organisers of an event may be introduced into the venue for that event and no alcohol may be removed from the venue other than by the organisers of the event.
  8. Event organisers have responsibility for:
    1. not selling alcohol to minors (persons under 18 years of age)
    2. not selling alcohol to intoxicated persons
    3. excluding intoxicated persons from the premises
    4. adhering to the Host Responsibility Guidelines
    5. providing non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic drinks at all times
    6. ensuring appropriate signage in the bar area
    7. making readily available to customers, free, comprehensive and accurate information about the forms of transport from the premises that are available, and
    8. ensuring that food of a substantial nature is readily available.

The consumption of alcohol in University halls of residence

  1. The consumption of alcohol in University halls of residence is governed by the Halls of Residence Rules and Regulations for Hamilton and Tauranga.

Authority of the Campus Security and Emergency Manager

  1. The Campus Security and Emergency Manager (or delegated authority) has authority to, at their discretion, prohibit or cancel any event where:
    1. the safety of people attending the event, or other people, is at risk
    2. the security of University property is at risk, or
    3. this policy has been breached.
  2. The Campus Security and Emergency Manager (or delegated authority) has authority to, at their discretion, remove from University premises any person or groups of persons who they consider to be intoxicated or who are behaving inappropriately or who are in breach of clause 5 and/or 6 of this policy.


  1. Any person may lodge a formal complaint in relation to an alleged breach of this policy.
  2. Before making a formal complaint under this policy, people are encouraged to deal with the matter in an open and professional manner and to try to resolve it informally.
  3. A formal complaint must be lodged with the Director of Campus Operations and Risk Management who, depending on whether the complaint involves a staff member, student, contractor or visitor to the University, will arrange for it to be addressed by an appropriate authority.
  4. Any person may refer a complaint to the police if it appears that a crime may have been committed.

Responsibility for monitoring compliance

  1. The Director of Campus Operations and Risk Management is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and reporting any breaches to the Vice-Chancellor.
  2. A breach of this policy by a staff member may result in disciplinary action under the Staff Code of Conduct.
  3. A breach of this policy by a student may result in disciplinary action under the Student Discipline Regulations.


The term ‘School’ in this policy includes Faculties and the term ‘Head of School’ includes Deans.


Licenced premises on the Hamilton campus:

  • The Don Llewellyn Bar
  • Kahurangi (Canopy, Lakes and Opus Bar)