University leadership
Get to know the leaders steering the University of Waikato's vision and strategy. To contact any of our leaders please email

Professor Neil Quigley
Professor Quigley was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Waikato in early 2015. Professor Quigley has previously held positions at Victoria University of Wellington, where he was at different times Professor of Economics, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Provost, and at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where he was Professor of…

Professor Alister Jones
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Professor Jones amongst other things, leads on international engagement and delivery with a strong focus on the Asia-Pacific regions, including development of offshore programmes and campuses. A former Dean of Education and Research Professor, he has had a long involvement in international education and has built educational research capability in a numb…

Jennifer Milam
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
Professor Milam was appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic in 2024. Professor Milam has held senior level, national and international appointments in the tertiary sector in Australia and the United States. Prior to joining the University of Waikato, she was Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Excellence at the University of Newcastle. She was also Executive …

Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori
He uri tēnei nō Te Rarawa ki Hokianga, Waikato ki Ngāti Haua, me he whāngai ki a Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao. My iwi affiliations connect me to the Far North of Hokianga, to Ngāti Haua in Waikato and I also have whāngai connections to the iwi of Ngāti Awa and Ngāti Pikiao.
While my disciplinary background is Māori Studies much of my research work has been a…
While my disciplinary background is Māori Studies much of my research work has been a…

Professor Gary Wilson
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
Professor Wilson was appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor Research in February 2024. Professor Wilson also holds a number of national- and international-level strategic research and academic appointments. Prior to coming to the University of Waikato, he was Chief Scientist and General Manager Research Strategy and Partnerships at GNS Science. He also previou…

Mr Jim Mercer
Chief Operating Officer
Jim was appointed Chief Operating Officer in June 2018. He leads the Corporate Services Group, which encompasses Finance, Information Technology Services, Property & Infrastructure, Campus Operations, Planning Performance & Analytics, and Legal Services.
In his role as COO, Jim is responsible for shaping the University’s financial strategy, enterprise r…
In his role as COO, Jim is responsible for shaping the University’s financial strategy, enterprise r…

Professor Vincent Reid
Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor Arts, Law, Psychology and Social Sciences
I am a developmental cognitive neuroscientist, interested in how human brains develop, how our sensory systems develop, and how this relates to our understanding of the self and others.
I hold a PhD in Science from the University of London. I was employed by the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany as a Researc…
I hold a PhD in Science from the University of London. I was employed by the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany as a Researc…

Professor Claire McLachlan
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Claire McLachlan is the Pro Vice Chancellor, Education at the University of Waikato. She was previously the Executive Dean, Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University in Victoria, Australia. Claire has published 10 books, has over 200 research outputs, and has received over $7 million in research, consultancy and curriculum devel…

Professor Joseph Lane
Pro Vice-Chancellor Health
I lead an incredible team that is committed to addressing the health workforce crisis in Aotearoa.

Associate Professor Stuart Dillon
Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor Management
Associate Professor Stuart Dillon is the Head of the School of Management & Marketing, within the Waikato Management School.

Professor Geoffrey Holmes
Pro Vice-Chancellor STEM
I am the Pro-Vice Chancellor for the Division of Health, Engineering, Computing and Science. Prior to my appointment to this role in 2019 I was Dean of the then Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences here at Waikato.