Note: If your Moodle paper has a configured Panopto block, paper participants can view the recordings in its Panopto folder. To share your folder with someone who is not a participant in its associated Moodle paper, follow these steps.

1. Go to the University of Waikato's Panopto server:

2. Select Sign in using elearn, then select Sign in.

3. On the left-hand side, select Browse, then My Folders. Right-click on the folder you want to share, select Share.

Note: you can also access the folder sharing menu by selecting the folder, then the share icon at the top right of your screen.

4. Adjust Who has access by selecting the dropdown arrow to the right, and selecting the relevant group. By default, this is set to Specific people, with the list of people and groups of people who have been granted access to the folder showing underneath.

You can decide to add more people or groups of people to this list: start typing their name in the Invite people box. To invite a whole group, start typing the name of the corresponding paper. Then select the name you were looking for from the list.

Once you have selected one or more people or groups, you can decide to notify them by ticking the Notify people by email box and then typing a notification message. When you are done, select Send and save changes. You will see the new people and groups added to the list above.

Note: You can also choose another type of access restriction for your folder: select the drop-down arrow on the right of Specific people, and you will see these other options appear.

    • Anyone at your organization with the link: the person trying to access the folder must be logged in with a University of Waikato account, and you need to send them the sharing link via email (by copying it from the Link box above) so that they can find the folder.
    • Anyone at your organization: the person trying to access the folder must be logged in with a University of Waikato account, but they do not need you to send them the link to the folder to find it.
    • Anyone with the link: the person trying to access the folder does not need a University of Waikato account to access the folder but still needs you to send them the folder link to find it.
    • Public on the web: anyone looking for this folder on the Internet can find and access it.
Moodle and Panopto are unavailable every Thursday 7:00 am – 7:30 am.