Enabling RSS feed for a paper

For staff on how to enable RSS feed in Panopto.

If you enable the RSS feed in Panopto, your paper participants can choose to receive notifications about new recordings. With RSS enabled, participants can connect the paper to their iTunes account, then download and view recordings via iTunes.

  1. Go to the University of Waikato's Panopto server:
  2. Select Sign in.
  3. Sign in with a standard Waikato username and password.
  4. On the left side of the page, select Browse. Select My Folders, and find the paper you want to enable the RSS feed for. Right click on it and select Settings.
  5. In the Settings tab, tick the Enable podcast feed box. The modification will be saved automatically.
  6. In Moodle, the option to subscribe to the audio or video RSS feed now appears in the Panopto block of the corresponding paper.

Note: By default, the RSS feed is enabled for a new paper. To disable it, follow those same steps and untick the Enable podcast feed box.