Our people

Meet the team at Research and Enterprise Waikato.

External enquiries are welcome via email (research@waikato.ac.nz) or phone (07 838 4166); alternatively, please contact one of our Research Development Managers.

UOW researchers, please contact your Research Management Advisor in the first instance.

Research & Enterprise central location: G.G.26, Hamilton campus

Leadership Team

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research: Prof Gary Wilson
Director, Research & Enterprise: Dr Simon Lovatt
Director, Innovation & Impact: Dr Rosanne Ellis

Research Development Managers

Brian Cole, Research Project Developer (Science, Engineering, Computer & Mathematical Sciences)
Shane Stuart (Science and Technology in the Bay of Plenty region), based in Tauranga
Te Hunanga Ngapo, Māori Engagement

Research Management Advisors

Anthea Kivell (Science, Environmental Research Institute)
Carol Robinson (Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Engineering, AI Institute, Carbon Dating)
Jenny Robertson (Education/WMIER, Psychology, Social Sciences, NZ Institute for Security and Crime Science, Te Kotahi Research Institute)
Alexandra Cullen (Education/WMIER, Māori & Indigenous Studies, Te Ngira)
Bridget Holland (Arts, Health)
Fran Duggan (Central financial reporting)
Nadine Viljoen (Education, Science, Carbon Dating, Institute of Professional Learning, Poutama Pounamu)
Penny Xie (Law, Management)
Dr Nicola Win, Research Grant Application Writer (University-wide)

Contracts Staff

Jin Chua, Contracts Officer (Arts, Psychology, Social Sciences, Education, Law, Management, Māori & Indigenous Studies, Te Kotahi Research Institute)
Stephen Turner, Contracts Officer (Science, Engineering, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Health)

Central, Innovation & Impact, and Allied Staff

John Tyrrell, Innovation Manager, Innovation & Impact
Tessa Hamer, Commercialisation Analyst, Innovation & Impact
Lois Vuursteen, Executive Assistant, Research, and central contact person for Ethics
Vanessa Clark, Pouhere Kanapu | Executive Director, Kanapu Programme