Bridging the Gap: Human-Computer Interaction Research at Waikato
Discover how the Human-Computer Interaction Group investigates ways to make technology more user-friendly, innovative, and accessible.
HCI is the noble face of computer science. The discipline is concerned with designing, implementing and evaluating human-computer interface technologies over an ever-expanding range of applications and environments, as computer technology becomes increasingly pervasive. It involves understanding how computer technology can better fit user needs, and provides theories and tools to assist developers in making useful and usable systems. The work of this research group at Waikato covers many aspects of HCI, including:
- Mobile Devices, Interaction and Applications
- Interaction Design
- Interfaces for Information Retrieval
- Information Visualisation
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
- Open Source Usability
- Indigenous Language Interfaces
- User Centred Design (including Formal Methods)
- Knowledge-Based Interfaces
- Smart Environments and Pervasive Computing.
The team is actively engaged in these research areas across a wide range of applications, including meeting support, energy management, realistic virtual books, digital libraries, children's on-screen reading, virtual travel, environments for knowledge workers, second language learning and location awareness. There are extensive connections with the international research community through publication in key journals and conferences, and reflected in visits from leading HCI researchers.
The group has a range of apparatus and infrastructure available for research students including a usability laboratory, large interactive displays, table-top displays, PDAs, GPS units, mobile audio devices, multi-layered display units, vision tracking systems and sketching interaction tools.
Further details on the group can be found at:

Professor, Research Associate

Associate Dean Academic, Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Head of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Co-Director Māori, Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Emeritus Professor

Senior Lecturer, Programme Lead
Bill Rogers.