Our Research

Kukutai, T., Cassim, S., Clark, V., Jones, N., Mika, J., Morar, R., Muru-Lanning, M., Pouwhare, R., Teague, V., Tuffery Huria, L., Watts, D. & Sterling, R. (2023). Māori data sovereignty and privacyTikanga in Technology Discussion Paper. Hamilton: Te Ngira Institute for Population Research.

Kukutai, T., Vanessa Clark, V., Mika, J., Muru-Lanning, M., Pouwhare, R., Sterling, R., Teague, V., Watts, D. & Cassim, S. (2021). The COVID-19 domestic vaccine pass: Implications for Māori.  Tikanga in Technology Brief #1. Hamilton, Te Ngira Institute for Population Research.

Publications and presentations


Carroll, S.R., Akee, R., Chung, P., Cormack, D., Kukutai, T., Lovett, R., Suina, M., & Rowe, R. 2021. Indigenous Data During COVID-19: From external to internal. Frontiers in Sociologyhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.617895

Carroll, S. R., Kukutai, T., & Walter, M. 2021. Indigenous data sovereignty. In D. Mamo (Ed.), The Indigenous World 2021, 35th ed (pp. 692-702). Copenhagen, Denmark: IWGIA.

Cormack, D. & Kukutai, T. In press. Indigenous peoples, data and the coloniality of surveillance. In A. Hepp, J. Jarke & L. Kramp (eds), The Ambivalences of Data Power: New perspectives in critical data studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kukutai, T. & Walter, M. 2021. Indigenous data sovereignty. In J. Gray & L. Bounegru (eds), The data journalism handbook 2: Towards a critical data practice, 2nd ed  (pp. 67 - 77). European Journalism Centre and Google News. https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/47509

Cormack, D. & Kukutai, T. 2021. Pandemic paternalism: Reflections on Indigenous data from Aotearoa. In S. Milan, E. Treré & S. Masiero (eds), COVID-19 from the margins: Pandemic invisibilities, policies and resistance in the datafied society (pp. 141-144). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.

Hudson, M., Garrison, N., Sterling, R., Caron, N.R., Fox, K., Yracheta, J., Anderson, J., Wilcox, P., Arbour, L., Brown, A., Taualii, M., Kukutai, T., Haring, R., Te Aika, B., Baynam, G.S., Dearden, P.K, Chagne, D., Malhi, R.S. Garba, I., Tiffin, N., Bolnick, D., Stott, M., Rolleston, A.K. Ballantyne, L.L., Lovett, R., David-Chavez, D., Martinez, A., Sporle, A., Walter, M., Reading, J., Russo Carroll, S. 2020. Rights, Interests, & Expectations: Indigenous perspectives on unrestricted access to genomic data. Nature Review Genetics, 377-384.

Conference Talks / Invited Talks

Kukutai, T. 2021. Invited keynote. All of our relations: Māori data sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand. Access 2021, Canada’s premier library technology conference, virtual. 19 October.

Kukutai, T. & Carroll, S. R. 2021. Invited speaker. Sovereignty and governance for Indigenous data futures. National Science Foundation (NSF) - Education New Zealand multiplier planning and virtual exchange information session. 30 Sep./1 Oct.

Kukutai, T. 2021. Invited speaker. Indigenous data sovereignty. Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision, virtual. 2 September.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited speaker. Indigenous data sovereignty. Gloknos annual lecture series, University of Cambridge, UK, 3 June.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited speaker. Indigenous data sovereignty. Data Then and Now seminar series. University of Washington, USA, 27 May.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited speaker. Norwegian National Human Rights Institution & Sami Parliament. UNPFII 2021 side event. A human rights-based approach to Indigenous statistics: The role of data in building effective, accountable and transparent institutions, 28 April.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited presentation. Indigenous and Māori data sovereignty: Key developments and opportunities. Te Ara Taura (Waikato Tainui governance), Tuakau, 8 April.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited speaker and convenor. APEC 2021 Policy Partnership on Science, Policy and Innovation Meeting, Policy discussion, ‘Leveraging diverse knowledge systems for inclusive and sustainable growth’, Wellington, 24 February.

Kukutai, T. (2021). Invited speaker. Indigenous data sovereignty. Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity, 12 February.