The overall aim of ‘Honour Project Aotearoa’ is to undertake a research project that investigates the life experiences of Takatāpui to gain insight into understandings of health and wellbeing and investigates issues of access, provision and appropriateness of the health care services to this specific Māori community. Specific objectives that will achieve this aim include:
- Undertake a survey questionnaire through a Kaupapa Māori research process, to elicit in-depth information pertaining to Takatāpui life experiences and the impact on meeting health and wellbeing needs.
- Carry out a review of literature related to Takatāpui life experiences, and related health and wellbeing.
- Conduct a series of qualitative interviews with 30 - 40 participants utilising pūrākau and digital storytelling approaches.
- Facilitate Thought Space Wānanga to provide key stakeholders in the area with information based on the findings of the research to support their policies, practices and development of appropriate services for Takatāpui.
- Disseminate research findings through multiple methods including online, journal articles, pūrākau and digital storytelling resources, community and conference presentations and Hui Takatāpui, and the final research report.
Honour Project Pūrākau | Digital Stories
Twelve takataapui people talk to the Honour Project Aotearoa about their lives. They are rangatahi, mātua, kaumatua, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, mums, dads, nannies, koros, students, teachers, artists, managers, researchers, and leaders in their communities. All are respected members of whānau, hapū and iwi.
They share their experiences of keeping well - often in the face of discrimination and other challenges. Some talk about the value of knowing who you are; having supportive whānau, and having good role models. Others talk about being part of takataapui and LGBTQI networks and having strong advocacy groups working for them and their communities. All want low cost, welcoming, non-discriminatory and well-resourced health services to help them to get well and stay well. He mihi maioha ki a rātou.
Donna Campbell

Chanel Hāti

Elizabeth Kerekere

Rebekah Laurence

Tāwhanga Nōpera

Tangaroa Paora

Renee Paul

Wētini Paul

Manawaroa Te Wao

Leonie Pihama

Mera Penehira

Richard Tankersley