The aim of ‘Toitū te noho: creating healthy relationships with the environment for future generations' is for Te Kotahi Research Institute (TKRI) and Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Trust to partner research excellence with key stakeholder groups to co-produce knowledge that achieves multidimensional wellbeing for whānau and hapū in order to restore and reconnect Ngāti Tamaterā (NT) to their ancestral lands.
NT are one of 12 iwi located throughout the Pare Hauraki rohe (region). NT is one of the iwi of Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau (the Tāmaki Collective). In the context of this project, the above whakatauākī (proverb) reflects the deep-rooted traditional value NT conducted themselves in creating strong bonds of friendships and strategic alliances in order to co-exist within a challenging environment. These bonds were collectively bound by principles such as manaakitanga (hospitality), whanaungatanga (kinship ties), and aroha tētehi ki tētehi (compassion for one another). Hence the rationale why the research team has named the research proposal Toitū te noho.
Toitū te nohowill employ a Kaupapa Māori methodology to embed the research project that will explore the Māori worldview of restoring the environment through a NT lens. This placement will identify how NT mātauranga and cultural sustainable practices can compliment relevant science innovation that will contribute to the key areas of the research project. This research therefore will endeavour to investigate how NT can play a pivotal role in reconnecting with the whenua, reconnecting the whenua with the moana and more importantly restoring the whenua in a way that is consistent with NT tikanga. The notion of being bound together in this way speaks to a united and agreed sense of purpose that is focused on making transformational change for whānau, hapū and iwi.