Our team actively engages with various community and NGO groups, fostering the integration of the circular economy conversation throughout New Zealand society. Organisations we have collaborated with, both past and present:
Ᾱmiomio Aotearoa has an MOU with Reuse Aotearoa for a research project aimed to develop a framework for measuring the impacts and outcomes of reusable packaging in the grocery sector. The research will develop case studies with grocery retailers and producers in Wellington and the Waikato. The findings will help inform policy changes to support and grow practices at the top of the waste hierarchy, addressing a significant knowledge gap. The project includes researchers with expertise in applying a mātauranga Māori lens to understand the impact of reusable packaging systems in the groceries sector, and explore whether increasing the diversity of retailers could help shift sustainability/circular practices more widely.
Āmiomio Aotearoa Research Project has an agreement with Sustainable Business Network's Go Circular 2025 Programme. We are proud to be partnering with the Sustainable Business Network to launch the Creating a NZ Circular Economy Directory. The Directory will be the go-to place to find products and services that can help your business ‘go circular’. That means designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating nature. Learn how the Directory can help you and be inspired by our guest speakers who are using circular economy practices already.
Other collaborations
- 3R Group
- North Island Mussels Ltd
- Utakura 7 Incorporation
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
- Urban Group
- New Zealand Product Accelerator (NZPA)
- ES Plastics
- AgResearch
- WaikatoLink
- Tasman Tanneries Ltd
- GJ Gardner
- Naylor Love
- Ministry for Environment (MfE)
- Fletcher Building
- Auckland Council
- WasteMINZ
- Right to Repair Aotearoa Coalition
- Waste-Free Welly
- New Zealand Product Stewardship Council
- Zero Waste Network
- Malcam Charitable Trust
- Alliance of World Scientists
- Composites Association of New Zealand Recuse & Recycling Committee
- Green Gorilla
- New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
- Kati Huirapaki Puketeraki