
  1. Open a new browser tab and type this address This should open the Mahara ePortfolio login page.
  2. Select University Login on the right. Image not found
  3. This will take you to your Mahara dashboard page. Image not found

Mahara App

A free Mahara Mobile app is available for both Android and iPhone.

  1. Download, install, and open the app.
  2. In the text box below What is the address of your Mahara? type
    then select Next.
  3. Under How do you want to log in? select Single sign-on.
  4. The next screen should be your normal University of Waikato sign on screen. If this doesn't appear, see this page.

For immediate assistance please contact the Service Desk on 838 4008, or log a request through the online self-service portal, Kuhukuhu.