Te Kohinga Mārama Marae bookings

The gathering of diverse understandings and enlightenments
Te Kohinga Mārama Marae provides a high standard of catering and hospitality service. The marae is a support facility for the University that enhances the "Waikato experience" — hosting teaching, learning and cultural needs of the University community.
The marae is also available for external use subject to kaupapa, availability of the marae and at the discretion of the marae manager. The manager reserves the right to cancel bookings at any time. This will be done in consultation with all parties concerned.
Hiring Te Kohinga Mārama Marae authorises the hirer to use the marae, including all facilities available for the specified times and purposes such as:
- The hire charge for day use only is $100 plus GST.
- The hire charge per night is $400 plus GST.
Venue and catering charges are set costs and are to be kept separate from any koha that is placed on the marae during the welcome. The koha is at the discretion of the manuwhiri. It is a part of the kawa pōwhiri and does not cover payment for the use of the marae.
- A bond payment may be requested prior to the premises being used.
- There are designated smoking areas.
- The removal of all rubbish is the responsibility of the hirer.
- All breakages and any damages are to be identified and the marae staff are to be notified as soon as practicable.
- Any repair or replacement costs are to be paid by the hirer.
- The hirer is to leave the marae premises in a tidy and clean state.
- A booking key can be provided for hirer however, if the key is booked by hirer, then it must be returned as directed.
- A key to unlock the mini skip bins can also be provided for hirer. The mini skip bin is located outside T Block, behind the courts adjacent to the wharekai. Please dispose of refuse there.
- In line with University policy, smoking is not permitted in any building on campus.
- Te Kohinga Mārama Marae has a no alcohol policy, therefore no alcohol is to be taken onto or consumed in any building or area within the marae complex.
- The University facilities and College Halls of Residence are out of bounds to groups staying at the marae.
- Do not mistreat or disrespect our marae. Appropriate behaviour is expected and required at all times. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Any damaged, lost or misplaced resources belonging to Te Kohinga Mārama Marae will be charged to the hirer of the marae.
- Keep facilities clean and tidy during your stay.
- On leaving, clean and wipe down all washing areas and toilets. The cleaning gear in the toilet area is for use in the ablution area only.
- Sweep all floors and return cleaning gear to the allocated area.
- Remove all rubbish from the ablution area and dispose of in the mini bin located on the roadway leading to the marae.
- Do not use the fire hose to clean the ablution block.
- Contact marae staff for menu options and prices.
- No footwear is to be worn inside the wharenui.
- No food or drink is to be taken into or consumed in the wharenui.
- Do not sit on pillows or stand on mattresses.
- You are responsible for the tidiness and security of your belongings.
- Return mattresses to the allocated area. Leave mattresses in two even piles and place all pillows on top.
- Place all sheets and pillowcases in a pile by the doorway.
- Vacuum floor. Vacuum cleaner is in the mattress storeroom.
- Ensure heaters are turned off and the thermostat is set to zero.
- Remove any belongings left behind by your group.
- Never sit on tables. Seats are provided for your convenience.
- Appropriate clothing is to be worn in the dining room. Sleepwear is not appropriate.
- Karakia, or grace, will be said before each meal.
- Marae staff will only assist for events that are catered for. Please clean up after your group.
- Wash and dry any resources you have used and return to their correct cupboards and shelving.
- Clear, clean and wipe down all tables and benches.
- Return all tables and chairs to their allocated area. Please take care not to drag across the floor.
- Sweep all floors. Cleaning resources are in the kitchen storeroom. These are for use in the wharekai only.
- Clean down gas burners and stove.
- Ensure heaters are turned off and the thermostat is set to zero.
- Clean down dishwasher and turn off at the wall.
- Place all tea towels in plastic bucket provided.
- Remove all food from all storage areas. Clean and wipe down all used cupboards, fridges and chiller.
- Remove all food from all storage areas. Clean and wipe down all used cupboards, fridges, microwave and chiller.
- Rinse out all mops and buckets and stand the mops and brooms upside down in the cage area so they can be aired. The orange dust roll is to be used only in wharekai only and should be turned upside down and left in the chiller room area.
- Lock all doors and hang the key on the hook above the phone. Leave and close the door behind you.
- No marae resources are to be taken from the marae complex.
- You will be charged directly for any loss to Te Kohinga Mārama Marae.
- Advise marae staff of any damages or breakages to marae resources.
- Remove all rubbish from the marae complex and dispose of in the mini bin located on the roadway leading to the marae.

Te Kohinga Mārama Marae
Opened in 1987, Te Kohinga Mārama Marae provides a place for University of Waikato students and staff to uphold and maintain the use of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori. Learn more about the marae's history, its importance and significance to the University.
Booking form for the marae
Contact us
This information on this page is provided to assist you in your stay and use of the marae. Please contact marae staff if you require further assistance.