Affect | effect
Affect and effect are often confused because their meanings are so similar. Technically it works like this: affect (spelled with an 'a') is a verb, and effect (spelled with an 'e') is a noun (most of the time).
Affect verb meaning to influence.
The bully's nasty words affected her deeply.
I knew my sprained ankle would affect my ability to run the following day.
Here is an example from a more academic sentence:
Luck therefore, says Richards (1993, p. 171), does "affect deserts [ie. that which we deserve], but only ...[in]... recognizing that we are not omniscient about such matters, and that we must be responsible in our inferences about them".
Richards, N. (1993). Luck and desert. In D. Statman (Ed.) Moral luck. New York, NY: SUNY Press
Effect is a noun meaning the result of.
The bully's nasty words had no effect on her.
The painkillers for my sprained ankle had an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.
Rare exceptions
Affect is sometimes used as a noun to represent the impact that a person's attitude can have on his or her ability to perform in a certain way. It might be used in an education context with reference to the emotional and external factors that influence a child's ability to learn, or as Artie explained in the first video, in psychology. (It is pronounced / 'ʌfekt / (uh-fect) - with the stress on the A).
In the Solomon Islands the impact of affect is significant with regards to widespread literacy under-achievement in primary schools.
In the Solomon Islands the impact of affect is significant with regards to widespread literacy under-achievement in primary schools.
Amnesty International hopes to effect change in third-world countries.
Both of these exceptions above are specialized (and infrequently applied) uses of these words and are not usually the reason that students get them muddled.