Parallel constructions

Consistency in your sentences
A sentence should involve the same consistent use of word types and grammatical structures when expressing ideas of equal importance.
It is most obvious when creating list-like sentences, but is important in more complex sentences as well, where consistency is the mark of a good writer.
Note: while some issues of parallel construction are very obvious, others are stylistic and open to personal taste and debate.
Look at how these examples demonstrate inconsistency in ideas of similar value.
* I really hate to read and writing in poor light.* (Note: Asterisks signal examples of poor constructions.)
*In the holidays I like swimming, sunbathing, to eat good food and cycling*.
Equally contrasting values
Examples where the items mentioned are equally contrasted with each other when using ~ing form:
* I would rather be playing soccer than to watch it *
* Writing is more important to John than to be famous. *
* I would prefer interviewing you in person rather than to talk to you by phone. *
Nouns and articles
When using articles —the or a
If you use an article (the/a/an) with the first item in your sentence you generally need to be consistent with the rest.
* The panel was very representative and included a policeman, a councillor, road worker and nurse. *
* Donald was eventually overwhelmed by workload pressure, the family commitments and nagging health issues. *