There are two ways to submit an assignment in Moodle: uploading a file or writing a text online.

Upload a file

  1. From the Moodle paper, select the assignment you wish to upload to.
  2. Select Add submission.
  3. Add your assignment file(s) by drag-and-dropping them into the field provided, or selecting the field to add them using the File picker.Note: The File picker can also be accessed using the File icon in the top-left corner, as shown in the image above. If you are uploading many files, it may be helpful to create a folder by selecting the unfilled Folder icon in the top-left corner.
  4. When your files have been added, select Save changes to upload them.
  5. Once uploaded, the assignment's Submission status should now appear as Draft (not submitted). While in this state, you can edit your submission by selecting Edit submission, or select Remove submission to start again. When you are ready to fully submit your assignment, select Submit assignment.
  6. You will be prompted to complete an academic integrity notice. Select the checkbox provided to certify the submitted document is your own work and that you have referenced correctly. You also agree that your submission may be submitted to a web-based plagiarism detection tool. When you have selected the checkbox, select Continue to finish submitting your assignment.
  7. The Submission status of your assignment should now state that it has been Submitted for grading. Note: When you submit your assignment, a submission receipt will be emailed to you.

Online Text

This option provides a text area where you can enter and edit text directly into the Moodle assignment activity. This is viewed and graded if necessary by your lecturer.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 as detailed in the above section.
  2. If this option has been enabled, you will see an Online text with textbox provided, similar to below. Type in your response as needed.
  3. When you have finished, select Save changes.
  4. Once uploaded, the assignment's Submission status should now appear as Draft (not submitted). While in this state, you can edit your submission by selecting Edit submission, or select Remove submission to start again. When you are ready to fully submit your assignment, select Submit assignment.
  5. You will be prompted to complete an academic integrity notice. Select the checkbox provided to certify the submitted document is your own work and that you have referenced correctly. You also agree that your submission may be submitted to a web-based plagiarism detection tool. When you have selected the checkbox, select Continue to finish submitting your assignment.
  6. The Submission status of your assignment should now state that it has been Submitted for grading.Note: When you submit your assignment, a submission receipt will be emailed to you.