Bridie McPherson

Bridie McPherson

Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design with Honours

Bridie McPherson

Do you know the difference between typography and hand lettering? “They’re totally different,” says University of Waikato honours student Bridie McPherson.

As part of Waikato’s Graphic Design Honours programme, Bridie is researching consumer preference between hand lettering and typography. She says people are often unable to distinguish the difference between typography and hand lettering, despite reacting to each differently. “Typography is an alphabet of letters. When you use a computer and choose a typeface or font – that is typography,” says Bridie. “Hand-lettering on the other hand consists of letters that are drawn, like a picture, and they’re often decorated.”

Bridie’s research is some of the first of its kind. Made popular with the rise of the blogosphere, she says hand lettering is only just coming back into the mainstream. “There’s no better time than now to begin research on hand lettering,” she says. “We have so much research on typography, but very little on hand lettering.”

Bridie graduated from her Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies last year. She began her Honours in Graphic Design this year to increase her understanding of design and give her an edge in her job applications. She’s enjoying being able to do what she loves each day and is excited to be able to work in the graphic design industry.

In 2018, the University of Waikato will be offering a Bachelor of Design (BDes) to replace the Bachelor of Graphic Design. The BDes will offer a broad range of career opportunities through three majors:  Communication Design, Interface Design, and Media Design.

A Bachelor of Design gives you the skills to succeed in creative industries. Apply now or talk to us about your options.


Bridie McPherson

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