Tyler Te Kiri
Bachelor of Teaching, Master of Education, Graduate Diploma
Ngati Maru (Taranaki), Ngati Mutunga (Taranaki)
Matamata Primary School teacher Carma Maisey credits the University of Waikato’s Poutama Pounamu Blended Learning for encouraging her into Masters level study.
“It has been a completely unique, uplifting and life changing experience,” says Carma, who has been teaching for 11 years.
Poutama Pounamu is a 12-month professional learning development (PLD) programme run by the School of Education at the University of Waikato.
The blended learning course supports leaders and teachers to do professional development while still working.
Carma describes Poutama Pounamu as a holistic learning experience, which draws on elements of Mātauranga, kaupapa and tikanga Māori. Carma says that her teaching practice will now always deliberately serve the moral purpose of creating equitable outcomes for each student she works with.
It was this “rigorous yet gentle scaffolding that has gifted me the skills and confidence to engage critically and successfully with Masters level study,” says Carma.
Carma is just one of a number of kaiwhakaako (teachers) who have gone on to complete their Masters after doing Poutama Pounamu Blended Learning.
“The support, kindness and encouragement the Poutama Pounamu tutors gave me was absolutely critical in my decision to continue with my study and enrol in the Masters of Education,” says Carma, who was awarded a Ministry of Education TeachNZ Study award to complete her Masters at the University of Waikato.
“As a mum of four children, I didn’t think further study would be an option any time soon. The fear of over committing myself was a huge barrier to enrolling in my Masters. Mere Berryman and Elizabeth Eley provided the reassurance that I was capable of managing both, and the whānau-like support and relationships offered through Poutama Pounamu made this possible. Without this belief, I wouldn’t have enrolled in the Masters or had the opportunity to apply for the TeachNZ Study Award,” says Carma.
Poutama Pounamu provides a supported pathway into Masters level study wherever you are in New Zealand. Benefits include the ability to credit two 15-point papers and a $1000 scholarship towards a summer school paper at the university.
For more information about the Poutama Pounamu programme or studying education at the University of Waikato, see visit the Poutama Pounamu Website.
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