Keziah Achshah Guha
Master of Information Technology

Keziah Achshah Guha’s “dreams came true” when she embarked on tertiary education at the University of Waikato, thousands of miles from home.
Originally from Jabalpur, a city in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Keziah moved to New Zealand to follow her passion in Cyber Security.
“I’ve always been interested in Cyber Security, and being able to get a master’s under my belt was always the dream,” she says.
In September 2022, Keziah celebrated her graduation from the University with a Master of Information Technology,saying the degree set her up for her career.
Keziah orchestrated the topics she learnt into her current job as an Information Security Advisor at DataTorque, a software company in Wellington, where she is responsible for building security policies and implementing them for the organisation.
At University, she loved her papers on information visualisation, cyber security, information visualisation, cyber security, and malware analysis and penetration testing, and met her favourite professor, Dr Alvin Yeo.
Alvin was highly supportive of me throughout my internship programme and acted as a mentor to me even after I finished my studies.
Keziah hopes to one day start her PhD after she has gained enough work experience.
Master of Information Technology prepares students to make the most of the fastest growing sector in New Zealand. Students gain industry experience for one whole trimester where they will be mentored and supported by their employer and University supervisor.
